Chapter 9

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The car ride to the beach was silent. We didn't even have the radio on.

When we finally got to the beach I became weak. I was getting out of the car and my knees felt weak. Tears strated streaming down my face. Connor didn't notice, he was just walking to the sand. I was trying but I was to weak.

"Connor." I gasp.

He turns back to see me on all fours panting.

"What's wrong?!" He asked worriedly.

"I don't know I feel weak, Connor I can't breathe." I say huffing and puffing.

"Okay hold on let me call the ambulance." He said calmly. He pulled his phone out of his pocket and dialed 911.

"Ya I need an ambulance... My friend...."

Was the last thing I heard. I collapsed I was so weak, I couldn't hold up my body anymore. My breathing became more spread apart and harder to maintain.

Next thing I knew I woke up in a hospital. I looked around the room no one was there. Suddenly a doctor walked in.

"You're awake." He grinned.

"Did I die?" I asked.

"No you just fainted." He chuckled.

" It wasn't serious and you can leave right now. I just wanted to make sure you awoke." He smiled.

"Okay thank you." A smile spreads across my face.

"Ya. I will go get him." The doctor said standing up.

"Get who?" I asked quickly.

"I guess he is your boyfriend. His name is Trevor?" He asked.

"Ya.." I responded.

I love Trevor so much. And I know it wasn't his fault I'm in the hospital. I just don't want him to ask about why I passed out. I will have to tell him though. I might as well wait till I get home so I can tell all the guys. Plus Jenn and Andrea.

"Syd." Trevor stood in the door way with his mouth agape.

He ran over to me tears in his eyes. And tears on my face.

"I was so scared." Trevor cried.

"Trevor I'm okay. The doctor said I could leave now." I held my hand out so he could help me sit up.

Trevor pulled me out of the uncomfortable gurney, and into his arms. He rocked me back and forth placing my head on his shoulder.

"I love you so much." He sniffled.

"I love you too." I smiled.

After Trevor was done holding me in his arms, we left. Connor drove us both home. No one talking, just silence.

"Why did you pass out?" Trevor said as we pulled into the driveway.

"I... I don't... It's... Just..." I stuttered.

"Syd you know you can talk too us." Connor reassured me.

"Let's go inside if I'm telling you what happened, I might as well tell everyone." I sighed.

Trevor and Connor nodded their heads and walked inside. Once we got inside everyone gathered around me. I sat alone on the floor, and everyone else was on the couch.

"The reason I passed out today was because I was overwhelmed. As you know me and Trevor opened up and told the world we are dating. Well in the morning my timeline was flooded with pictures, videos, and comments, of me and Trevor. Some were kind, others not so much. The reason why I wanted to talk to you Connor was because, it brought back bad memories. When I lived in Alabama with my dad, since my parents are divorced, people at my school would call me names like bitch and stuff. And I remember going into depression for years. Once I moved to LA and meet all of you, my depression went away. But me going home and crying myself to sleep, and not wanting to leave my room, those memories are still there." After I was done talking I put my face into my hands, and cried. All of the memories flooded back.

"Babe it's alright, come here." Trevor said pulling me into a hug.

"I just don't wanna go back into depression..." I spat out.

"You won't, I will protect you. Don't worry." Trevor told me.

After I got calmed down, and the subject changed, everyone was back to laughing and playing on their phones.

"Okay Jenn, Syd, it's probably time to go home." Andrea said grabbing her car keys.

"Alright, let's go before it gets dark." Jenn said.

I don't wanna go home. Not today...

"Trevor..." I said widening my eyes.

"Sydney, you need to go home." He assured me.

I nodded my head, and walked out the door.

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