Chapter 16

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A few days later I ended up back at the O2L house. Trevor had just finished filming his video. I stayed behind the camera and watched him film. Once he was done he was sitting in a spinny chair editing. He had his laptop in front of him and he was just editing. I decided I would try something out. I went over to where Trevor was sitting at the desk, and I hopped onto his lap. I didn't want to get in his way so I layed my head on his shoulder. He countinued what he was doing. I decided I was going to play with Trevor a little. I started to plant soft kisses up and down on the side of his neck. Then I started to kiss him along his jawline. He started to look annoyed but I countuniued. I started to trail down to his collar bones, leaving little soft kiss all over him. Then I started to kiss him along his shirt. Then I traveled back up to his neck, and softly started to suck his sweet spot. Then I traveled back up and started to kiss his jawline again. Soon he got really annoyed.

"Sydney stop it!" He yelled.

I countuniued to give him soft kisses.

"Stop!" He picked me up out of his lap and set me on the bed, then went back to the computer to edit.

He was so cute sitting over there just editing away. When he finished he came over to where I was laying on the bed, and he sat down. He gave me a light kiss on my lips, I knew he was trying to tease me back. I tried to sit up and give him a real kiss but he held me down. He started kissing and sucking my sweet spot, making me let out little moans. Then when he was done he cupped my face in his hands, and gave me a real kiss. It was a little longer than usual but I didn't mind. I just wanted to spend every second of my life with him.


Hope you liked this chapter. just incase your wondering no Sydney and Trevor have not had sex. Just clearing that up! love you guys💜

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