Chapter 17

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A few weeks later me and the guys ended up going to the mall. We all kinda split up. But me and Trevor went into PacSun. We were looking at all the beanies they had on a table, since I wanted a maroon colored one. So we were just looking and trying on different beanies, when something happend.

Me and Trevor turned away from the table to go look at the t-shirts, but I accediently ran into a guy. He was tall and looked about 18 or 19.

"Sorry." I mumbled.

"It's cool. But your hot." He winked at me.

"I.... Uh." I was scared.

"Back off. She's mine." Trevor said grabbing my hand.

We pushed past him and got to the t-shirts. Trevor let go of my hand, and started to look around. Soon I felt a hand on my waist, and a hand over my mouth. The guy I bumped into was pulling me out of the store. I couldn't scream for help though since his hand was over my mouth.

"Shut up and come with me." He wishpered into my ear.

Luckily as we were walking out of the store, JC was comming in to look for me and Trevor.

"What's going on?" JC said getting close to the guy.

"I'm taking her home with me." He smirked.

"Let go of her." JC demanded.

"Or what?" He taunted.

"Let the fuck go of her!" JC yelled.

"God take her." He said throwing me down to the floor.

I quickly got up and ran into JC's arms, tears blurring my vision.

"Leave." JC told the guy.

"I'll be back for you." He whispered into my ear.

I hugged JC tighter. Tears started falling out of my eyes.

"Thank you JC." I said wiping away the tears.

"Your welcome." He smiled.

I told JC to tell Trevor I would be back in a little. I need time to calm down some. That was scary as hell. I walked out of PacSun and made my way to TopShop. As I was getting towards TopShop, I decided to step outside for a few minutes. I need the fresh air. But of course the guy was standing right outside of the door. He grabbed onto my arms, holding them behind my back.

"If you try and scream for help I will shoot you." He threatened.

"What?" I asked.

"I have a gun. And if you scream for help or try and escape I will shoot you." He glared at me.

"I have my phone! I can call the cops!" I cried.

"Where's your phone? Give it to me now, or you know what will happen..." He slammed me up against his car. My head hit the back of his truck hard, hard enough that it started to bleed.

"It's in... My back... Poc.. Pocket." I cried. My head hurts.

He took one hand and put it in my back pocket. Then he checked the other one.

"It's not there." He snapped.

"The I don't know where it is." I whispered.

After that he slapped me across the face.

"Where is your phone!" He screamed.

"I don't kn-know." I cried.

"Please just let me go!" I yelled.

"Shut up." He glared.

At that moment I was starting to freak out. I have had problems before with anxiety, and right now I was freaking out.

"Help! Help me please!" I screamed.

Thank The Lord that Kian happend to be looking for me, and just walked out of the door.

"Kian! Help me!" I cried.

Kian was looking around and saw me pinned up against a truck, with a gun held up to my neck.

"Sydney! Let go of her you bitch!" Kian yelled at the guy.

"Step any closer and I shoot." He threatend.

"If you let go of her you can shoot me." Kian said.

"No Kian. It's okay." I said.

"Let go of her and you can shoot me. Just don't shoot her." Kian had tears in his eyes.

The guy quickly slammed my head into his car again. But this time it was harder. It was so hard I passed out. Probably getting a concussion.

*Kians POV*

Tears starting rolling down my face. I knew this was the end. This guy had a gun and was going to shoot me. I knew it.

I heard him cock the gun. I took one last breath, ready to die.
But then I heard the guy scream.

"Get in the car!" I opened my eyes and saw the police shoving him into the cop car. The cop made him drop his gun and was forcing him into the back seat.

I gulped. I almost died.

"Are you okay?" I cop said walking up to me.

"I think so." I said placing my hand over my heart. Breathing in and out slowly.

"Your safe now. But I'm afraid the girl maybe unconscious." He frowned.

"Okay I can call an ambulance." I said, my heart still racing.

"Alright. And don't worry this guy will be in prison for quite a while, or forever." He patted my shoulder and walked away.

I quickly called the ambulance, then texted all the guys to come to the parking lot.

Today was chaotic as fuck.

I'm just glad everyone is alive. And that I saw Sydney out here, or else she may have been dead.


I made this chapter longer! i hope you liked it. Please comment what you thought and vote! I love you guys! stay beautiful💜

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