Chapter 19

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*Sydney's POV*

Today me and Trevor are going on a date. I have been taking the memory pills for about 2 weeks now and I finally remember how to most things. But on the bright side I know who everyone is now! Trevor said we are going to a restaurant tonight. We hopped in the car and blasted the radio. We sang all the way there.

I was singing really loud when all of a sudden the car stopped. We arrived. He has taken me to this cute little Italian restaurant. It was called "Meatballs Italian Diner". It had a cute little patio and everything. We walked in side and asked for a table for two. The lady brought us to a table outside. It was nice. There was a candle in the middle of the table.

After we ordered we were just talking. The food is supose to take a little longer to make because it's made completely from scratch. We had plenty of time to spare. We were just talking about how YouTube was hosting VidCon in a couple of weeks. We were going to go together, have our own room instead of with the all the other guys. We were talking about what we were goin to wear and stuff when someone walked up to are table.

"Trevor! Long time no see!" A Tallish blonde headed girl was standing behind Trevor's chair.

"Emma how are you?" he said standing up and giving her a hug.

"I'm great! But I miss my boyfriend..." she pouted.

"I missed you too." He smiled.

"Well I will talk to you later! Bye, bye Trevy!" She quickly gave him a kiss on the lips and skipped away.

He is cheating on me? what? No way. I felt the tears cloud my eyes. When he sat back down his face was all red. He was blushing, but the worst part is, he isn't blushing about me. He has been seeing this Emma girl for who knows how long!

I stood up and and ran out if the Italian place. I ran all the way back to the O2L house. Even though I gained back my memory I haven't been to my house since, so I honestly have no idea where it is. Once I got inside the house I slammed the door and locked it. I slid down the back of the door and bawled into my hands. Somebody heard me though considering I was only at the front door.

"Sydney what happened?!" Connor ran over to me alarmed.

"Trevor!" I cried.

"What happened?" He said placing a hand on my knee.

"He- he. He cheated on me!" I cried.

"Really? Sydney I'm so sorry." He pulled me into a hug.

"I thought he loved me.... but I guess he loves this Emma girl more." I chocked on my own words.

"Sydney...." He frowned.

"Can I sleep in your room tonight? I can't face Trevor tonight, I'm to tired." I said wiping my tears away.

"Sure I will sleep on the couch." he half heartedley smiled.

"Thank you Connor." I gave him another hug.

*Next Morning, Sydney's POV*

I woke up the next morning feeling even worse than yesterday. I still can't believe he cheated on me. What does he see in that Emma girl. How does he have the courage to cheat on me. I was soon interrupted when I heard a knock on the door.

"Can I come in?" I heard someone say.

"Who is it?" I asked.

"Trevor..." he said.



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