Chapter 20

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*Trevor's POV*

Today me and Sydney are going on a dinner date to this cute little Italian place I found. I was excited to take her there. We have had little dates, like going to the movies and the beach and stuff. But never to dinner.

Once she was ready we got into Ricky's car. He let me use it. We started to drive away, and I turned on the radio. We sang to pretty much all the songs, just talking and laughing. She has such a beautiful voice.

When we finally got to the restaurant we asked for a table, and the lady took us to one outside. We sat down and ordered our food. We started to talk and laugh when I heard my name.

"Trevor! Long time no see!" A Tallish blonde headed girl was standing behind my chair.

"Emma how are you?" I said standing up and giving her a hug.

"I'm great! But I miss my boyfriend..." she pouted.

"I missed you too." I smiled.

"Well I will talk to you later! Bye, bye Trevy!" She quickly gave me a kiss on the lips and skipped away.

I sat back down at the table blushing. Emma has always been my crush as a kid. I lost intrest in her when I started to date Sydney though. But the worst part is, she started to like me then. So now she calls me her boyfriend.... It's kinda cute I have to admit it. I was lost in a daydream. When I woke back up I noticed Sydney wasn't at the table. Where did she go? The bathroom? No she left me... I called the waiter over and told him I had to leave, and that I need the check so I could pay.

Once I payed I ran to Ricky's car. I got in and put the car into the egnition. I backed out of the parking lot, and raced home. I hope Sydney didn't take this wrong.

When I pulled into the driveway I noticed Connor at the front door. He looked mad.

I slowly walked up to him.

"Where's Sydney?" I asked Connor.

"Why did you cheat on her?!" Connor screamed at me.

"I didn't mean too! It was one date!" I yelled back. Okay I admit it, I cheated on Sydney. I went on one date with Emma to the movies. I kissed her, but I felt nothing. I told her to stop seeing me.

"You broke Sydneys heart. Trevor I don't know if you realized this but Sydney actually really love you." Connor frowned.

"I loved her too." I replied.

"Loved." he said.

"What?" I was confused.

"You did love her. You don't anymore." He remarked.

"I-" I was shocked. Maybe I don't love her anymore....

"Excatly." he looked down at the floor.

"Where is Syd?" I asked.

"She's asleep. But not in your bed, she asked to sleep in mine because she doesn't want to see you. I'm sleeping on the couch." He said. Even Connor is mad at me. Why? He's not her brother or anything.

"Fine. Just let me go to bed. I need to think about what I'm going to tell her." I shook my head and grabbed the door handle.

"Tell her the truth." Connor said.

I nodded. I really fucked this up. Sydney probably won't talk to me anymore. Why was I so stupid, to let a different girl get into my head. I didn't even like Emma. Life is complicated.

I went to my room and closed the door. I fell onto my bed covering my face with my pillow. To be honest I started to cry. I thought I loved Sydney. But maybe I love Emma more...

*Next morning, Trevor's POV*

When I woke up I felt more and more guilty. Should I tell her the truth? I bet go now. I walked over to Connor's room and lightly knocked on the door.

"Can I come in?" I asked.

"Who is it?" I heard Sydney ask.

"Trevor..." I say.

"Go away!" I heard her start to bawl.

"Please let me in Syd. Let me explain." I pleaded.

"There's nothing to explain, you cheated on me! I don't need you anymore Trevor." She yelled through the door.

"Are you saying we're through?" I felt my heart sink.

"I'm saying we're done. Leave me alone Trevor..." and with that I left. I will be okay, hopefully.



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