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Diego was nervous, as he let the music play in the background. He sat there, surrounded with his friends yet he was nervous. Brielle had said that Penelope was coming, that she specifically said it was to see Brielle and not to see Diego but he couldn't help and feel a bit happy knowing that even though she knew he'd be there, she'd still show up. The party was on full swing, people were dancing and drinking. Some were even smoking, it was a typical party that Brielle had thrown in one of the many houses her parents owned.

It was Saturday night and any other event, he'd have a couple girls around him but for some odd reason, he couldn't. The young Latina really caught his attention and he didn't want anyone else but her. Ethan sat next to him as he talked about what he should get Brielle for her birthday, Diego had no idea what to say. He wasn't the type to do relationships, the last one he was in was a couple months ago with Jess but the minute rumors went around that he had cheated and the constant late night studio sessions was enough for Jess to end it. She claimed she needed someone loyal and someone that was going to be there for her whenever she needed them. 

Diego understood, dating in this career he had chosen was hard. The touring and rumors that came with the job was tough. He had only honestly cheated on Jessica..once or twice, he couldn't really remember. They weren't important enough that he remembered their names.

"So..you ready to see Pen?" Ethan asked his best friend who was smoking a blunt, he looked out of it and Ethan knew that this girl was a big deal to him.

Diego took another drag and exhaled, he was ready to see her. Definitely to get to know her, he didn't understand why he was so caught up on her. He kept telling himself it was just because she wanted nothing to do with him.

Emma Kenney, made her way to the couch that Diego and Ethan were sitting on. "Penelope's here Eth! She's asking for you!" She shouted over the loud music. Diego tensed up a bit and looked over at his friend who just gave him a smile. They both stood up and made their way to the other section of the house, the main entrance and there she stood, in a tight jean material looking dress and some gladiator looking heels. She looked breathtaking. Her hair was long and straight, way different than when he first saw her.

She stood next to two other girls that Diego didn't know the names of and Brielle. They talked a bit and Diego watched as Brielle pulled Penelope towards her, whispering something in Penelope's ear and then she looked over at Diego, who still had the blunt in his hand.

Penelope rolled her eyes and smiled at Brielle. They made their way over them and Brielle quickly clung onto Ethan. They were both slightly buzzed and when that happened, they couldn't keep their hands to themselves.

"Rapper boy, fancy seeing you here." Penelope was the first to break the silence. Diego gave her a smile and took another drag of the blunt that was almost done.

"Nah ma, you saw my comment on your picture. You knew you'd see me here." He replied back and the two girls who were standing next to Penelope giggled.

"These are my best friends, Monica and Grace." She introduced the two girls both were beautiful, maybe people were right when they said that beautiful people hung around other beautiful people. "Guys, this is the guy who paid $50 to find out my name." Penelope kind of introduced him. He rolled his eyes, of course she'd bring that up. He blushed a bit and bit his lip, Diego couldn't help but feel slightly embarrassed. He wasn't going to show it though.

"Holy shit, you didn't tell me you did that bro" Ethan said as he lightly grabbed Diego's shoulder. Diego rolled his eyes and just brushed him off and shrugged his shoulders.

"I'm Diego, y'all probably know me as Lil Xan though." He said, trying to play it cool. Monica and Grace nodded their heads, quickly greeting him and then walking away with Ethan and Brielle. Leaving Diego and Penelope alone.

"Then there was two.." Penelope said as she rocked back and forth on her heel. Diego took the moment to check her out, her lips were full and he couldn't help but think about how soft they looked. He wanted to kiss her so bad, especially when she licked her lips.

"You want anything to drink?" She asked him, she was kind of stuck with him and she didn't want to be alone.

"I'm all good ma, I can get you something though?" He offered and she gave him a small smile and shook her head

"I can get it myself, thanks." With that, she made her way to the kitchen. Diego didn't want to scare her off so he kind of just stood there, looking around. Penelope came back into and raised her arms up, "Aren't you coming with me?" She shouted over the loud music. Diego had the biggest smile on his face as he followed her into the kitchen.


They spent a good amount of time in the kitchen, taking a couple shots, drinking and talking. As much as Penelope hated to admit it, Diego was good company and she was having fun as they talked about random things.

"So who's this Jeff guy?" He asked her as he threw back a shot that burned his throat a bit. Penelope rolled her eyes as she took a shot too, not even making a face at the taste of alcohol. Diego was a bit impressed and poured two more shots for them as he waited for her to answer him.

Penelope felt a bit tipsy and she knew they had reached the moment where nothing is filtered anymore, she couldn't think. Just speak. "My Ex, he's a piece of shit, cheated on me for a good while." She admitted and grabbed the shot Diego had just poured. He grabbed his too and raised it, waiting for Penelope so he could do a toast.

"To broken hearts." He said and they both took their shots. He watched as Penelope started dancing a bit. The Dj has started playing "Let Me Blow Your Mind" by Eve. It was a song that Penelope couldn't help but dance to whenever she heard it. "Do you dance?" Penelope asked Diego, who right away started shaking his head, he didn't dance. He didn't do dancing. Penelope grabbed his hands and started pulling him towards the dance floor.

"Penelope, I really don't dance! Cmon let's just keep drinking ma." He said, he hoped she'd understand and they'd continue to have a good time together. The short girl let go of his hands and frowned.

"Alright alright, lets keep drinking then!" She shouted over the loud music. A tall brown headed guy made his way over to Penelope. He tapped her on the shoulder and she turned around, looking up at the person who just got her attention.

It happened so fast, one minute she was next to Diego, making her way with him to the kitchen and the next, she was on the dance floor with the guy. Diego sighed and walked over to the couch that overlooked the dance floor. Ethan and Brielle were both sitting down, talking and giving each other a few kisses. 

"What's wrong dude? I saw you and Pen were getting along!" Ethan said to Diego who sat down with an annoyed expression.

"Yeah we were but she wanted to dance and I said no and now she's dancing with that fuck face over there." Diego said with so much jealousy in his voice that Ethan was actually surprised. They both looked over and watched as Penelope grinded and moved her hips along with the music. The guy looked like he was having the time of his life and all Diego could do was talk himself down from punching the guy. He was jealous and he didn't like it one bit.


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