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Two Months After The Last Instagram Post

Today was the day, Diego had finally decided that today was going to be the day that he asked Penelope to be his girlfriend. He usually wasn't the type to ask, the last person he asked to be his girl was Jessica and that ended in an okay way. He had talked to his Mom about Penelope. She was excited and couldn't wait to meet the girl who had her son smiling and happy. She could tell, even over the phone, how much of a difference the young girl had made in her sons life. She couldn't wait to hug her and say "thank you". Even if she had no idea what she was being thanked for.

Diego had planned, somewhat, of a date with Penelope. He decided to just spend the day with her and hopefully when the right time hit, ask her out. The past two months they had gotten even closer, more than before and he honestly considered her his best friend. She was his everything and Penelope had no idea. She would usually tease him about Red or Tasha and for some time, Diego really believed he had missed his chance and she had lost whatever feelings she had for him. Until he got the balls and finally asked her if she still felt the same.
All Penelope did was giggle and smile. "Of course I do D."  She had even given him a quick peck on the lips. Diego smiled at the memory and made his way to his car, a black BMW. He threw his jacket and backpack to the backseat and made his way to Penelope's apartment, she had moved into a smaller place a month before, she hated living in a huge house all by herself. Diego had actually helped her move and carry some boxes. She thanked him by taking him out to eat some pizza.

The drive to Penelope's wasn't that far, he knew that she'd be downstairs waiting for him since she had practically told him to hurry up because she was starving. Diego had smiled when he read the message, when wasn't she hungry? The girl was small but boy could she eat, it amazed Diego on how much such a tiny body could hold all the food she ate. Before Diego knew it, he was outside her building. He grabbed his phone to let her know he was there, not even a second later did he hear the gate to her apartment building open.

There she stood, holding the door open for a pregnant woman and her little girl. Diego took the moment to watch her, she smiled and waved at the little girl. Penelope stood there with a black shirt, a black skirt and white long heeled boots that looked like they belonged in the 70's. She wore a hat that completed the outfit and Diego couldn't help but smile, she was gorgeous and she didn't even have to try.

She started walking his way and Diego swears it was like in one of those movies when a hot girl goes on the screen and starts walking and everything goes in slow motion. He just stared at her as she opened the car door and sat down in the front seat. She leaned over and gave him a peck on the cheek. "Hey D." She said as she put her bag on the side of her seat. Diego smiled and greeted her back, his nerves creeped up on him again  and he couldn't help but think ; what if she says no?

"What's going on D? You look upset, is everything alright?" Penelope asked him with concerned written all over her face, Diego sometimes hated how well she could read him, he couldn't lie to her at all because she knew when he did. Which was a first for him, nobody knew him so well.  "Don't you dare lie to me either D, you know you can't lie to me even if your life depended on it." Penelope let out a small laugh to try to lighten up the mood but Diego was dead focus on the road.  "Okay, you're seriously scaring me Diego, is everything okay?" Penelope was starting to panic and Diego hated when she did, she would overthink and freak out. It would only make things worse for him because it would cause him to freak out and they would both be hyperventilating.

"Yeah, everything is fine. Fuck, ok, I'm just nervous." Diego confessed as he stopped at the red light that was in front of him. "Nervous for what?" Penelope asked as she stretched her hand out for him to grab. Her thumb was slowly rubbing up and down his hand. He felt himself relax, maybe this moment would be good enough to ask her. He took a deep breath and looked over at Penelope.

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