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Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale.

Xxplosive, West Coast Shit ..

The beat of the old school song made the backseat of the car feel like heaven. Diego opened his mouth, letting the smoke escape. He couldnt help but feel so relaxed. The brunette headed girl, who he didn't remember the name of. kissed his neck as he laid his head back in total relaxation. The girl took that as a sign to continue her assault with his neck. Her hands explored other places and Diego didn't mind at all. He took another drag of the blunt in his hand, the girl brought her attention to Diego's lips and kissed him as he exhaled the smoke out. It was like those cliche moments that they show in movies. The car, that was being driven by Steven, came to a sudden stop and Diego's attention was brought back to reality. He noticed they were at a stop light a few blocks away from the club they had just left. The air felt gross to Diego as he put his window down and let the smoke out. The fresh air felt good on Diego's face.

Laughter and rap music got Diego's attention.l a few seconds later. It was a black convertible, a Mercedes,
How did he not notice it before? It was the only other car waiting with them at the light. As the car got closer, Diego could tell it was a group of girls, a black haired girl was sitting in the passenger seat and Diego knew exactly who it was, he spent some nights staring at the back of her head. His first reaction was to hide, he needed to hide before Penelope saw him with this random girl at his side, at that moment the back window to Steven's white Range Rover didn't want to work at all. It was like God himself wanted Penelope to see how much of an asshole Diego really was.

"Diego!?" Penelope yelled and Diego's eyes widen as he looked beside him, where the girl sat, she continued to kiss his neck. All Penelope could do was shake her head. Diego noticed that it was Monica who was driving and she quickly made her way pass them being the first to drive on the green light.

At that moment, he knew he had messed up, again.


Penelope let out a scream as she sat in the front seat of her friends car. The music they had playing was stopped and everyone had for that short moment, sobered up.

They could see that Penelope wanted to break down and they weren't ready to let her cry yet. Justine was the first to break the silence "He's an ass and you deserve better." She said as she pulled out the small mirror out of her purse, the bad thing about lipgloss is wearing it when the windows were down and it was windy.

All the girls agreed, Monica pulled into the parking lot of Denny's. They knew that Penelope loved their pancakes and it would help cheer her up. It was 1:30 in the morning. The night had consisted of some drinking and clubbing. Anything to help Penelope get her mind off of Diego. What are the odds that the moment she was finally starting to forget about him, she sees him? And with a girl! Even better! Penelope was beyond hurt and angry.

She knew that she shouldn't have gotten so close to him. Let herself actually feel something for him, she should've listened to all the girls that said he would end up hurting her. Who knew that he was still in love with Jess? He was so bothered about the fact that Jess had slept with someone that he completely forgot about Penelope and posted it on social media. How was Penelope suppose to feel?

"I don't get how he could already be messing with someone. I'm over here still upset and he's fine." Penelope whispered as Monica parked and turned the car off. Everyone sat in silence, what comforting words could they say to her? Justine knew that someway or another, Diego was going to hurt Penelope. She just didn't believe it would be because he still loved his ex.

Monica had actually slapped Diego, resulting in a fight between her and Steven. He wasn't okay with the fact that Monica had slapped his best friend and Monica was beyond pissed at the fact that Steven wasn't as upset as she was. Steven had the nerve to say that Penelope's feelings didn't matter to him because they're not close. The dark skinned girl then stormed out and spent her night with her friends.

All four best friends sat in the Denny's parking lot, trying to figure out where everything went wrong. Penelope sat in the car with her arms crossed, ready to give up and go home but the moment that she witness Justine and Grace make eye contact she knew that she was fucked.


It had been two days since Diego and Penelope had last spoken with each other. Diego was trying to prepare himself to ask for her back and he had done something stupid, again. What are the odds that he would end up seeing her tonight? Diego wanted to blame his friends, if they hadn't dragged him out of his house, he'd probably still be there. The blame of him getting caught with a girl was all on him though and he knew it. He hated it.

The music had stopped playing and Steven, who was still driving, had his phone out. Muttering a few curse words under his breath, Diego wondered what he was going on about. Marcus, who was sitting in the passenger seat of the car, started to shake his head. Obviously disagreeing with whatever Steven was saying. Diego finally had pushed the girl away, letting her know to knock it off and asked Steven what was going on. Steven let out a frustrated sigh and told Diego about what had happened with Monica. Diego's jaw clenched at the topic of Monica and the fact that she had the nerve to actually slap him. Diego would never admit it but he knew he deserved it. The last thing he wanted was another couple to break up especially because of him. He wouldn't allow it.

"Follow them." Diego said as he finished smoking the blunt. He may end up regretting this decision in the morning but he needed Steven and Monica to be okay. His friend looked way too upset at the fact that his girlfriend wasn't answering any of his calls or replied to any of his text messages. Steven wasted no time in following the direction the girls had driven in and surprisingly it had lead them into a Denny's. Steven quickly parked and jumped out of the car, making his way into the denny's. Diego hesitated a bit, did he really want to get down and see Penelope? What would he say to her? How mad would she be? Before Diego even got the chance to get down, Steven was running back to the car, climbing in fast.

"They're not there." Steven said and quickly pulled out his phone. Ready to continue to call Monica's phone again. "Call Penelope, she'll answer. She has her phone on her 24/7 especially when they go out." Diego said as he started pulling out his phone. Steven couldn't help but glance at the screen of Diego's iPhone. The wallpaper was of Diego and Penelope, kissing and in bed. The happiness on both of their faces with evidence enough to show that they both had such strong feelings for each other.

"If you liked her so much, why fuck up man? Jess ain't down for you no more, not how she use to be down for you at least." Steven spoke with a bit of disappointment laced his voice and Diego could tell, swallowing what little pride in himself he had left, Diego replied.

"I don't know."


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