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A/N: this chapter will contain some smut.
If you are not comfortable reading it, please skip ahead to the next chapter. 04/28/18


The door closed behind them as they made their way into the bedroom, Penelope wanted Diego to say whatever he needed to say so she could move on with her life.  She walked to the side of her bed, turning the lamp on so they wouldn't have to talk in the dark. Diego looked around her room, it was clean and it looked as if she hadn't slept in her bed a few days.

"I've been staying with Grace." Penelope admitted as she went back to the middle of her room where Diego was standing. She had seen him staring around her bedroom. He nodded his head as he got what she had said. Silence over took the room.

So there the young couple stood, a few feet away from each other neither of them knowing how to start the conversation. Diego was first to break the silence as he took a few steps forward resulting in Penelope taking a few steps back.

"I'm sorry that I hurt you. I honestly didn't mean to Lupe." All Penelope could do was stare at him, he looked different. The long hair she once loved was gone and as much as she hated to admit it, Diego looked good. The haircut seemed to have really brought out his green eyes and Penelope couldn't help but wonder if she had kids with him, would they get Diego's eyes?

"Say something Lupe." Diego whispered as he stepped closer to her. The space that there was between them was soon nonexistent, Penelope didn't mind though. She could smell him, his scent was intoxicating.

"I missed you." She confessed as she slowly raised a hand to just touch his face, she needed to feel his skin. It was like the moment she was even near him, all her rational thoughts were thrown out the window. "It hurt so much to hear you tell Jess you still loved her when you've never even told me." Diego wanted to tell her right there and then that he did indeed loved her but he knew it wasn't the right time. He needed to shut up and listen to what she had to say. "The time for us isn't right." Diego felt his heart break but he stood still listening to what Penelope had to say. "You need to focus on your career and album. Your fans need you right now, I don't want to pull you back from that." Penelope said and Diego took a few steps away from her. She was really done. This was it. She was walking away from him, she was done with him. Diego wanted to be upset at her but he couldn't. He understood what he had done and he understood why she didn't want to get back together that didn't mean that it didn't stop it from hurting.

"I should probably go." Diego said as he tried to look anywhere but her. His voice gave away how he felt. How much of a pussy would he be if he cried a bit? He sure felt like letting a few tears slip but he couldn't do that in front of Penelope, she didn't deserve to see how much she affected him.

Penelope's heart broke more as he heard his voice and she felt like crying. She didn't want him to leave, at all. How bad of a mistake would it be if she let him stay?

"Stay with me!" Penelope said before she even had the chance to really think about it. Diego looked up at her, was she serious? Did she really want him to stay? "If you want.." she added a few seconds later. Penelope didn't want to seem desperate. If
Diego wanted to stay, he could. She wasn't going to beg him to stay if he didn't want to.

Diego looked at Penelope and really looked. Trying to see if maybe she was just teasing or if she was serious, Diego took a few steps toward her. She stood still as he approached her, lifting a hand so he could move a piece of hair out of her face and place it behind her ear.

Nothing, Everything • Lil Xan ( EDITING )Where stories live. Discover now