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A/N: this isn't edited or anything. I'm thinking of completing this book and then editing it completely. Almost the end of this book, so bittersweet. 4/21/18


Diego stared at the screen of his phone, he still hadn't gotten the guts to change his wallpaper which was a picture that Penelope had taken of them on his bed; cuddled up and happy. Diego looked over to his right and he remembered that they still had some random girl with them. She looked out of it while on her phone and Diego was trying to remember why he had left the club with her by his side.

You wanted an easy fuck Diego.

"Aye, let's drop this girl off. I ain't showing up to Penelope's with this bitch here." Diego said loud enough so Steven could hear him which he definitely did. The girl besides him let out a gasp, which caused Diego to roll his eyes. Steven drove to the only thing opened at this hour; a gas station.

They gave the girl, who held a shocked expression on her face, $40 and drove off. All Diego and Steven could think about was getting to their destination and seeing their girls. Marcus was excited to see Grace again but they were on good terms so he wasn't exactly reacting like Steven and Diego. He was actually pretty stoned and thought that cuddling with Grace sounded like heaven.

Marcus smiled as he sent Grace a quick message, letting her know that he was with the guys and he'd probably see her soon. He was glad that Grace and him had hit it off so well, the first date was awkward as hell but they soon got over both their shyness.

"What did Penelope say?" Steven questioned as he glanced at his phone, making sure he was going the right direction the map was telling him to go.

"She's pissed at me still. I don't think getting her back is going to be so easy man." Diego admitted as he fixed the beanie he had on his head, he missed his long hair. It was indecisive choice to cut it short but at least he didn't get another face tattoo which his manager was super happy about.

Marcus let out a small laugh, Diego and Steven gave him confused expressions which caused Marcus to let out a loud sigh. He took a deep breath and spoke "You couldn't possibly really think that saying sorry to her over the phone would get her back, right?" Diego gave Marcus a look as if he really did think it would get her back. "You've got to be kidding me." Diego opened his mouth as Marcus continued voicing his opinion "dude, you're like my good friend but I'm going to be honest with you. You're a fucking dick. Not only did you make it clear to her that you still had feelings for Jess but you made it public! You posted it on Instagram! You can't sit here and tell me that she has no right to not forgive you so easily." Diego really took in the words that his friend was saying, he hated how right Marcus was. Especially because it was him, Marcus; a total fucking idiot.

Diego looked at Steven through the rear view mirror, both of them surprised on how Marcus had said that. Diego rolled his eyes and looked out the window, the scenery started to look familiar. They were close to Penelope's house. His heart started pounding at the thought of seeing her face to face. The thought of her lips soon over took his mind and never in his life had he ever wanted to kiss lips so badly. He needed to shake away those thoughts though, he wasn't about to show up at Penelope's with a hard on.

His attention was brought down to his nap, where he had placed his phone. Picking it up he checked to see who had texted him. It was Jess, asking him to call her back. Diego put his phone away, he didn't need to think about her at that moment. He needed to think about Penelope because that's who he wanted to be with. She brought the best of him out and she supported him. The day they had broken up Diego had gotten some amazing news, he was going on yet another tour. He wanted nothing more than to call her up and tell her the great news, it crushed him when he remembered that they had broken up. Who was he suppose to tell this exciting news?

Realization hit him like a ton of bricks, he loved Penelope. He didn't love Jess, he loved Penelope. She was the one. The one who supported him and the one who understood him. She was the only one he wanted to call when he got exciting news.

How exactly was he suppose to get her back? He knew how Penelope was, stubborn to the fucking core. Diego shook his head and smiled, he couldn't believe that he was so stupid. He loved Penelope, the thought of her alone made him go crazy. Diego's eyes widen, he needed to talk to Jess and then cut her out. The moment she left he should've done it but the thought of her being his first love held him back. But just because she was his first love didn't mean she had to be his last. Penelope was who he wanted to be with and the one he was in love with.

Steven parked in front of the building and Marcus was the first to hop out. Grace walked out the door and ran into Marcus's arms. They both laughed as Marcus spun her around, he put her down as Steven and Diego made their way out of the car. Grace, who Diego realized was in pajamas, gave Diego a look and then proceeded to cross her arms.

"Give me a good reason why I shouldn't kick your arse right now, you fuck face." Her Australian accent was evident in her voice and Diego had never really paid attention to listen until now. Clearing his throat he reached up to fix his beanie again and then spoke.

"Umm.. cause I love Penelope and you know she would lowkey be mad at you for hurting me." Grace took in what Diego had said and her body seemed to relax a bit. She looked over at Marcus who gave her a nod and a small smile. "Fine, I won't kick your ass but I swear to God the next time you hurt my friend, it will be your last day on this earth." Grace threaten and Diego did the only thing he could do; he nodded his head.

Nerves were hitting him big time, he was terrified about telling Penelope how he felt, he had messed up so badly and she wasn't going to take him back. He just knew it.

Or maybe he was just overthinking and if he really apologized, she would take him back? One could only hope.

The walk into the apartment lobby was dreadful, the ride up the elevator to Penelope's floor was even worse. Diego could feel his heart pounding in his chest. This was all too much for him. The thought of seeing her again scared him because things could go good or they could go bad. Diego noticed that Grace kept clinging onto Marcus and that's when he realized that they weren't the only not so sober ones, the girls had been smoking and drinking.

"Is Lupe sober?" He asked before he stepped out of the elevator. They had made it to her floor and Diego was still nervous. Grace nodded her head, Penelope might've had a head high but she was pretty sober. Everyone made their way to Penelope's door and Grace was the first to walk in. The smell of candles and weed lingered in the air, it actually smelled really good.

Diego walked in, putting down his backpack down on the floor. He walked inside to find Penelope sitting on her couch with her phone in her hand. Scrolling through whatever she was scrolling through, Diego couldn't help but stare at her. There she was. The girl who made his heart pound like there was no tomorrow. Penelope looked up and it was like the world stopped moving.

Steven and Monica were quick to take their talk on the balcony, Penelope stood up and moved a sleeping Justine over to the side. She needed Grace right now, she couldn't talk to Diego. Looking around her living room Penelope found Grace in front of her front door, making out with Marcus, Penelope's nose scrunched up. Diego turned around to see what Penelope was staring at when his eyes landed on what she saw, he let out a laugh and shook his head.

"Can we please talk?"


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