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Diego felt guilt wash over him as he put his phone away, he wasn't completely sure if he had meant what he said to Jess. It was a type of "in the moment" feeling. He felt nervous and prayed to God that Penelope would never see the conversation because he didn't know what excuse to give her if she asked about the text. Just the thought of having Penelope upset with him made him feel worse, he didn't want to hurt her. What she didn't know couldn't possibly kill her, right?

Diego's train of thought got interrupted by his phone ringing, the special ringtone that told him it was Penelope. Speak of the Devil Diego thought as he answered his phone. 

"Hey, I was just thinking about you." Diego confessed as he waited for Penelope to answer, a small smile on his face as he thought about her probably blushing as he said that. He loved the effect he had on her.

"How smooth D." She replied with a light giggle. "I wanted to see if you'd be up to come hang out with Monica, Justine and Steven. We're all meeting up at the warehouse." She spoke as the sound of Monica and Steven talking to one another sounded in the background. Diego had forgotten that Steven and Monica had descided to start dating a few months back.

The only thing he was worried about was spending time with Penelope, doing a few shows here and there and starting his album. Those were all his main priorities, he realized that he was basically pulling an Ethan, which wasn't bad. He honestly didn't remember when the last time he had been this sober for so long. The thought of hanging out with everyone didn't sound bad but was it selfish to just want Penelope to himself?

"Sounds good babe, you need me to pick you up?" He asked as he stood up to get ready. It was 12:54 and he had just been relaxing in bed. "I'm actually like 10 minutes away from your place love! I shall be there soon, be ready!" Penelope responded, Diego looked around his apartment trying to find some shoes that would go with his outfit which consisted of a plain black shirt and some skinny jeans. "Alright I'll see you downstairs baby." Diego hung up as he searched for his stuff, the thought of deleting the conversation with Jessica crossed his mind but the guilt would eat him up inside. It wasn't like he meant he was still in love with her. He just cared about her, she was his first love. Penelope would understand that, right?

You'd be pissed if you saw her saying I love you back to Jeff, Diego.

Diego couldn't help but think that, he'd be pretty pissed if he found her saying shit like that to Jeff.

He shook his head and continued to get ready, he made his way to his bathroom, trying to freshen himself up so he didn't look like a mess in front of Penelope. His phone started to ring again, the regular ringtone. Nobody ever called him, it was all text messages. Picking up his phone, he realized it was Red calling him. If he didn't answer now, she'd keep calling and calling. He couldn't have that, he would be with Penelope and he couldn't risk her seeing the calls. Sliding the answer call, he put the phone to his ear.

"Hello?" He answered as he sat down on his couch, trying to put his shoes on.
"Hey, you haven't been answering my text." She sounded out of breath and Diego couldn't help but roll his eyes.
"Well..you keep asking me to come over. Can't do that shit no more, I got a girl." Diego responded as he slid his shoes on. The last time he has gone over to her place, he couldn't do shit. He felt too guilty and all he thought about was Penelope. How she'd react if she found out and was she doing the same thing? They weren't dating yet but he couldn't do it to her.

"When did that ever stop you D? C'mon..you always said what Jessica didn't know wouldn't hurt her. What's so different about this one?" She questioned, Diego knew she was getting impatient. Maybe if he kept ignoring her, she'd give up and move on. So far, it wasn't working.
"That shit was in past, you know this. She's different." He replied a knock on the door startled him. "Listen, I got to go. Stop hitting me up, I'm done." Diego hung up as he went over to his door. It couldn't have been Penelope, or maybe it was and she was trying to surprise him?

Opening his door, he was shocked to see Tasha, standing there; wearing a short pink silky dress.

Diego's eyes widen and he couldn't help but look at her legs, her tanned toned legs that she proudly showed off. "Hey baby." Tasha said as she lightly pushed Diego aside so she could walk in. "What are you doing here? You need to leave, now." Shaking his head and bringing himself back to the situation, why were all these girls hitting him up even more now that he wasn't single? Diego could feel his nerves getting worse, Penelope would be here any minute now and he had some girl in his apartment building. "Oh you don't mean that, I've missed you!" Tasha said as she tried to get ahold of Diego, who was slowly backing away from her. "I swear all you females got some shit planned or something, you need to leave now. I got a girl." Diego got ahold of Tasha and made his way to his door, pushing her out without looking only to hear someone say "ow". His attention was brought to the voice and the person who had said that. Penelope stood there with her eyes wide, looking between Diego and Tasha.

Diego knew he was fucked when he saw the look on Penelope's face.

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