Chapter 1: Come With Me

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          David smiled as he stood with Max, "Last day of camp! Can you believe it? I can't wait to finally meet your parents and send you off till next summer!" Max sighed, "They arent coming.."

"..What? Of course they are! Dont be-"

"No- David, they aren't coming. They didn't even bother to drop me off.. It's not even the last day of camp, it's been two days since everyone else left- I'll just walk to a bus stop or something." David frowned, "Oh no, if they don't come this time I'll drive you home and have a word with them myself." He rolled his eyes, "Yeah if you want to get beaten up be my guest, I'd love to see that actually.."

          Suddenly a car turned down the road, music was playing loudly, there were voices come the car, it sounded a lot like arguing. David smiled, "I'm sure thats them! Right Max??"

"Ugh.. Yup"

David smiled as usual while the car pulled up, despite the yelling coming from the car. Out of the drivers seat stepped a bit bulky man with tan skin and matted hair, he looked a bit like Max. He was smoking. Out of the other side stepped a very thin woman who was on the phone, she had an soft yet sad look and spoke quietly for the most part. She walked up to Max, "I'm sorry we're late hun you know how things are- Did you have fun at camp-?"

"It's summer camp of course it's not fun- Why do you think I shoved him off on these people? To have fun? And didn't I say to stay in the fuckin' car-?" She backed up a little making a worried expression. He sighed and grabbed Maxs wrist, "Thanks for tolerating the kid, I know he's a useless little thing but at least he's only your problem for the summer and not year-round right"

"Hey- Ow- Youre hurting me asshole!" He glared at Max who immediately shut up, "That's what I thought- Talk back again and Ill lock you in the closet till school starts" He pulled Max with him heading back to the car, he looked to his mother who just said nothing. He bit his lip and looked over at David, just great, more judgement. "Hold on there-" David cut in. The man turned around, "Hm? What do I gotta sign a paper of somethin? I have somewhere to be." David took a deep breath and tried his best not to look like a pansy. "I'm afraid you can't take Max home."

"And why the fuck not? It's my kid" David walked up to him, "You don't seem fit to be a parent. Threatening to lock him away, fear is no way to win over a child. And if you take him I think I'll call the police to make sure he's safe." The man glared at David, he knew if he was investigated he'd be taken away for sure. He let go of Maxes wrist, "Fine. I never wanted that mistake anyway- I only kept him for the tax money." He spit on the ground in front of David and got in the car driving off. Max was still quiet, rubbing his wrist just trying not to cry. "Max.. I'm sorry-"

"It's fine... I'll just camp out in the woods or something till next summer- Live in a tree or something.."

"Well.. Why don't you stay with me? My house has plenty of room!" Just then Gwen came outside, "Why the fuck are you two still here? I thought he was supposed to get picked up?" David glanced at Max, then took Gwen aside to explain what had happened. She sighed, "Well I'm sure as fuck not letting him stay with me, that little monster would set my apartment on fire!" Max smiled a little, he actually wouldn't to be honest but hell keep that a secret. "I'm not asking you to Gwen, I'll take full responsibility for him. And who knows! Maybe I'll rub off on him and he'll stop destroying things?" He smiled a bit turned back to Max, "So what do ya say, think you could tolerate me year round?" Max smirked, "Oh I'm sure I could, the real question is- Can you tolerate me year round?" Gwen and David not over reacting or taking a long pause to pity him made Max feel a bit better, he didn't want a sob story or to get hugged and told how it'll all turn out ok in the end. "This is going to be great! And we can visit Gwen on the weekend!"

"Fuck no-" She sighed, "I'll vist you instead ok? But not often got it, I can barely get though summer with you two" They all smiled and laughed a little. Maybe this wouldnt be so bad after all..?  "Alright then Max! Come with me"

For the first few minutes in Davids car they were both quiet. Max leaned against the cars door looking out the window, letting his thoughts get the best of him. He teared up and bit his lip to keep quiet. "So.. I guess we can go shopping first thing tomorrow!" Max wiped his eyes, "The fuck?"

"I mean- You wernt planing to wear that for the rest of your life were you? And we'll need to get food you like, and maybe some things for your room right? I'm not too sure what you like, besides cursing and trying to kill me haha..."

"And how the fuck are you gonna pay for it? Your car is shit, and your apartment probably is too. I mean, you work at a goddamn summer camp"

"Max please, I work here for fun! My car may be a bit old on the outside but it's never let me down and I wouldn't trade it for anything! And my house looks fine, I'm sure youll love it once were there. I have enough to spare don't worry" Max rolled his eyes, he was mean as a defense, so he would let himself be sad. He was actually grateful to David but like hell he'd ever admit it. They passed buildings and small towns, "Why the fuck are we so far from camp..? I thought you'd live in the woods or something" David laughed a little, "I wish haha, but I just have a normal house in the town over, it may be a pain to drive here from there all the time but it's worth it!"

"You need medication. Really. Please, get some fucking help- People are this happy unless theyre crazy" He rolled his eyes ignoring that comment. "I only have two rules, well with you it may be three or four since you are kind of a wild card.. Heheh... So- One, I know you curse a lot.. But try not to ok? I mean, I know you won't really listen to that one but still. And two, no setting fires inside. Three, clean up after yourself, you get something out you put it back yknow? Or if you forget just clean it up later or something" Max nodded a little, he could do that.

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