Officially Moved In

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Robin's POV
I held my portal open for one final time as my Aunt dropped the last box through to Dick on the other side of it. "I'm going to miss having you around Rob," my Aunt admitted, hugging me tightly. "I'll miss you too Aunt Georgie," I replied, hugging her tighter. "I promise I'll come visit whenever I can, maybe you can come visit me this time, I'm sure Alfred's cooking is incentive enough." My aunt laughed as I tried to persuade her with Alfred's cooking again. It really was sooo good though, if anything can shut our family up it was Alfred's amazing meals. "Well you best get home, you'll have unpacking to do. I don't think you want the boys going through your stuff, especially with all that fan art and the posters you've got in there!" My Aunt teased, making me panic. She laughed as I froze and hugged me one last time, kissing my forehead and waving goodbye.

Immediately I jumped through the portal, my Aunt's words going through my head. When I landed in my room there was only Dick here and all he was doing was opening the boxes and moving them to the side of the room. "Wow you guys have unpacked so much!" I sarcastically commented. Dick bolted around when he saw me and sheepishly grinned, "we didn't know where you wanted it so we were waiting for you," he explained. I laughed at his grin and went toward the closest box, checking it's contents. This one is okay... I picked up the box and held it out for Dick to take. "You take this, it's just clothes that need hanging in my wardrobe," I directed. He nodded and took the box, getting to work straight away. "Well since it looks like it's just us two I should really get started, how about some music to keep us going. Dickiebird do you wanna choose a song?" I asked. He looked up from the box and replied, "hmm it's hard to choose.. how abouut Love Me by The 1975?" I smiled at his decision and rummaged around a few boxes for my docking station before placing my iPod onto it, pressing play on 'Love me' as I opened the music app.

We both got to work unpacking my things, I passed Dick boxes that weren't stuffed full of art and posters and gave him 'safe' boxes. I wasn't really that bothered about them seeing the fan art and posters, but I'd had an idea to surprise them with it all when I'd put everything up on my walls, however Charlie might be needed for the arranging of the posters later. I quickly texted her to free her schedule later and went back to unpacking my books onto the bookshelf. "Rob are you sure you want me to unpack this box?" Dick called over. Without looking I replied, "sure it's fine." I heard Dick fiddle with the box as he hesitated. "No really I don't think you want me to," he stated. I stopped what I was doing and turned, walking towards him and the box. His face was a light red and plastered with a cheeky grin. I began to dread what was in the box. "What's in it anyway?" I asked. Dick was silent as he pulled out one of my strapless bras and my underwear from the box.

I pounced on the box, snatching it from his hands. "Good call Dickiebird, I'll unpack this one," I said, slightly flustered. Dick smirked as he saw my embarrassment. "What's wrong Robin, scared I'll find something? I wonder if you wear thon- " Dick teased me, but before he could finish his remark I had pushed him over backwards into the wardrobe. "Shut up Grayson. I'm unpacking this one. There's nothing to see here," I firmly stated. A loud knock came from my bedroom door and Dick got up from the floor, grinning as he did so, to go answer it. "Master Dick, I've brought you and Miss Robin some refreshments to help with your unpacking," Alfred said, coming in and placing the tray of food and drink onto my desk. "Thanks Alfred!" I gratefully replied, hugging him. "Yeah thanks Al," Dick added, immediately taking a cookie from the tray. "Your welcome, if you need any help just be sure to ask," Alfred replied smiling at us both as he left.

Once Alfred left I dashed to the cookies and stuffed two into my mouth. It tasted delicious. Dick and I looked at one another as we both admired the cookies. No words were exchanged between us both about how good they were as we both already knew it.

Flashback- Robin aged 6, Dick aged 9
Dick laughed as he beat me again in our handstand competition in the garden. "You're pretty good, for a boy," I joked, sticking out my tongue. "Well you're pretty good, for a girl," he joked back. I laughed and we began to run about the manor gardens, chasing one another. As we passed the window near the kitchen I came to a stop, causing Dick to crash into my back. "Cookies!" I exclaimed, rushing inside. "Robin! Wait up! What do you mean cookies?" Dick cried out as he chased after me. I got inside and took off my shoes before dashing to the kitchen, seeing exactly what I had smelt. A fresh batch of Alfred's homemade cookies. I walked over to it as Dick found his way to the doorway. "Alfred's own cookies. Words cannot describe how nice they are," I explained, offering one to him. He took it from me and immediately took a large bite from it. I watched as his eyes widened. He didn't speak, he just continued eating, taking a bite just as he finished his last. "They really are good!" He remarked. We stole another one each while they were still warm and ran back out to the garden, scoffing the cookies on our way out before Alfred caught us.

"Just as good as always," Dick commented. I nodded in agreement. "We have to hide these from the others," I added. Dick nodded this time. "Or we could just eat them?" He suggested. "Hmm I could, but I was going to save some for temporary energy boosts," I replied. Dick shrugged and took his half of the cookies and began chewing through them, crumbs falling on the carpet. I sighed disappointedly, pointing at the mess on the floor. He looked up at me guilty, "I'll vacuum I promise," he said. "You mean you'll hoover? You better do with the mess you're making," I spoke. He nodded and the pair of us got back to unpacking, and I began to work on the boxes off limits to Dick and the others. There wasn't many boxes so we actually managed to finish a couple hours later and not later on in the evening like I had thought we would.

"All done! So what now?" Dick asked. I shooed him out of my room and smiled sweetly as I said, "I'm gonna get a shower and get my pyjamas on, so now is the time you leave." He frowned as I began closing the door and he nearly interrupted, but I quickly shut the door. Now he was gone I could get a shower, then I could put up all my posters on my walls. I quickly showered, feeling refreshed and clean, then put on a pair of fluffy socks and my lounge wear that consisted of baggy trousers and an oversized sports t-shirt. I brushed my hair and put it up into a messy ponytail to keep it out of my face while I decorated my walls. Grabbing the blue tack I had left on my desk, I began organising where I wanted everything. I grouped the justice league posters together on one wall then put the bat family posters on another, the smaller wall was left for my miscellaneous posters. On my desk I placed my batman light and beside it my Lego batman alarm clock, I'd hidden them earlier from Dick because I didn't want him to comment on it, but I decided it would be part of the surprise.

After I had finished and confirmed the position of the posters with Charlie over facetime, I stopped to admire the walls and the collection of posters and fan art I had gathered. It was times like this which made me realise how crazy it is that my life was as crazy as it was. Originally my life had been a dream, part of a fictional world I watched and read about. Now it was real, it was my birthplace and my home. Sometimes I still wonder what would've happened if I never found out, or if I had died after the Joker's attack a year ago. So much had happened since then,but I was grateful for all of it. It was fun to be home, to be the Twilight Wolf at night and Robin Wayne by day. Breaking out of my tangent of thoughts, I turned back around and went to gather the boys for the reveal. Tim wasn't hard to find, Damian wasn't either. Dick wasn't in the first place I'd looked, but he was in the second and Jason required a phone call to locate. After I called Jason and portalled him back, I took them all up to my room hyping them for the reveal. "Well here it is!" I presented, opening my door and turning the lights on.

The boys walked into my room, their eyes fixed on the posters first, but Jason picked up on the alarm clock. "Nice alarm, and.. bat signal?" Jason remarked, teasingly. The light was only a bat signal if you put it on the wall. "Are these posters of us?" Tim asked. "Yep, I got them from the other realm," I explained. "The artists are very good," Damian commented, appreciating the quality art skills. "You have a Flying Graysons poster" Dick breathed. "Yeah, do you like it?" I asked. He nodded and hugged me tightly. "Room's pretty good Rob, the Red hood poster definitely helps with that," Jason said, acknowledging the A4 print of red hood on the wall. "I'm glad you guys like it, this is what I got from the other realm. They're merchandise for people there, but here it's all real." The boys continued to nod in approval as they walked a lap around my room before exiting. "I guess this means you've officially moved in then?" Tim asked. I nodded and energetically replied, "Yep! And I can't wait to live here from now on and meet everyone else!"

It's so good to be back! How I've missed writing about my favourite people. These oneshots will not be regularly posted or the same length each time, but I hope you enjoy them all the same!
Thanks for reading,
Lizzy :)

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