Betrayed - Playing With Fate

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Robin's POV
It was a normal day again, I woke up to an empty bed, Dick was at work already. Stretching my legs over the side, I got out of bed and walked downstairs to the dining room. Alfred had laid out breakfast as usual and I ate my breakfast alone. The boys and my father were already out and busy with school or work. Alfred was also out because he was driving them. So I had the whole manor to myself. It sure felt empty.

I finished up my food and took all the mucky breakfast cutlery and dishes to the kitchen where I placed them all inside the dishwasher. I made myself one of Charlie's famous milkshakes before heading upstairs to change. I hadn't got much planned for today, but I decided a visit to my father would be nice, for both him and me.

Walking to Gotham allowed me to free my head of wandering thoughts both positive and negative. I had been worried about my powers since the incident with Felix Faust and Enchantress, but I had seen Zatanna since then and she had taught me how to reopen the dark portals and free those I may trap in the future. I also thought of Dick, of how now we were moving forward with our relationship, would it be best if we found a home for just ourselves?

I walked down the high street, like any ordinary citizen. But of course, I wasn't just any old person, I was a famous heir. People eyed me and asked for photos or tried to take subtle ones with their phones pressed up against their chests. At least the paparazzi took pictures when you knew they were. Who wonders how many people actually took a photo me as I walked down the street. As I approached my family's building the security allowed me in and prevented the paparazzi to enter. I stopped by the reception desk and asked what my father's schedule was for the day.

"Your father is in a meeting right now, he should be out in 10 minutes," I was told.

"Thanks, send him a message that'll I'll be waiting outside for me please."

"Of course Miss. He'll be glad to see you."

I smiled at her and instead of taking the lift, climbed all the stairs up to my dad's office. For some reason, my thought process had decided that I could climb these exhausting stairs in ten minutes. That way when I finally reached the top, I'd be there just in time to catch my father leave the meeting room. When I reached the top it felt like forever. And my father was gone.

I watched the members of the company walk out of his rather large meeting room without him. I went inside and called the front desk from the telephone.

"Hi, you said my father would be here?"

"Did I? Sorry dear, he's due back in ten minutes if you want to wait."

That was weird, she never got anything wrong, it's why dad had always praised her so much. Ah well, everyone makes mistakes sometimes. "Yeah, but don't tell him. I want it to be a surprise."

This time I got in the lift to his office. As much as I was capable of climbing all those stairs again, I really didn't want to. Luckily for me, nobody else used the lift and so my trip was direct to his floor. I got out and headed to my father's office. Once inside I checked for people nearby before pressing the button under his desk, revealing his panic room aka his Batcave from home. I sat down at the console and had a quick search through the news and public events, keeping an eye on what was going on around Gotham. Usually, we could spot what events may attract attention from villains by their news coverage.

Although what I saw in the news was the exact opposite of what I was expecting. I leaped out of the chair and it crashed to the floor as I ran haphazardly out of the room and sprinted down the stairs. I didn't stop as the receptionist called my name and I immediately ran towards the hospital. I didn't have time to call Alfred to pick me up and I could probably get there quicker myself. I was breathing heavily as I continued to run, my eyes frantically scanning the area for a place hidden enough for me to open up a portal. Damn it! I remembered what my portal may become if I got too angry and slowed it to a brisk walk as I allowed myself a short break. I needed to get to the hospital.

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