Dreams are Reality

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Robin's POV
So when my dad warned me that in my dreams I could sometimes portal to where or whom I dreamt of, I didn't really think it was much of a big deal. That was until it actually started happening. Last night was my first time. I was at Charlie's last night, a sleepover to catch up on all the latest games and gossip, boy talk and all the usual. I was meant to sleep over at Charlie's, but when I woke up I was next to Dick, scaring both the life out of him and me.

After my sudden realisation of what happened, I quickly jumped into a portal back to Charlie's. Luckily she wasn't an early riser, but she would have freaked if I was gone when she woke up. She's become even more protective of me since she had finished reading my comic book. Apparently, the writers wanted to make more stories about me, with Charlie's help of course. Her ability to save me by convincing them really impressed them, now she works for DC comics alongside her A-level courses. That girl works miracles sometimes.

Today when I finally got home I caught up with Dick to explain my sudden appearance in his room. He didn't mind and seemed to mind even less when I told him that my dreams of him made me unconsciously portal to him. If anything he seemed a little smug and I began to worry about how much I'd inflated his ego by telling him that I dreamt of him. "S'okay Little Wing, I love you and you know it, just make sure it's not at inconvenient times, like when I'm changing, sure I wouldn't mind, but you seem like you would~" Dick teased me. I pushed him in annoyance as my face heated up.

"Dick, aren't you worried in the slightest? What if I dream of the Joker and accidentally portal to him? What if I dream of another realm and end up there?" I asked, concerned for his lack of worry. "Have more confidence in yourself Rob! Of course, I'm worried, but as your boyfriend, I'm perfectly aware of how well you can handle things. You kick ass better than I do," he replied confidently, complimenting me as he hugged me. "Can you just, you know, keep an eye on me? It's not that I can't manage it, it's just I'm a little scared that's all and everything feels safer with you," I told him. He smiled and kissed my forehead, "anything for you beautiful," he replied smiling.

I felt more relieved knowing that Dick told me he would keep an eye on me. Like I had a safety net to rely on if I needed it. The next person I had to talk about it with was Dad, and I assumed I would put a word in for my brothers and Alfred because if I was sleep portalling they'd need all the help they could get.

Now I wished I had chained myself to one of them, or to a grappling hook. As I plummeted downwards I regretted watching Spider-Man: Homecoming before I went to bed. Sure it was worth the watch, but not if I'd dream of Spider-Man and end up skydiving above Queens.

With no grappling hook to save me my hopes were minimum. Three outcomes were possible. 1- I would fall to my death, a likely outcome. 2- I could make a portal and save myself, given the situation it's also a likely outcome, purely relying on the fact my reflexes were quick enough to create a portal at the right time. 3- Spider-Man could actually save me. Again. But still save me, and part of me wanted option 3 as I didn't want to die, but my powers weren't feeling so co-operative as I continued to fall down towards the concrete below. I closed my eyes and listened to my heart race. Please save me, please, please, please.

"We've really got to stop meeting like this," a young voice spoke. I let out a large sigh of relief, "trust me, I didn't plan on falling out of the sky again." Peter laughed at me and took me to the closest rooftop. I brushed myself down and shivered a little at the strong breeze up this high. Luckily I had decided to wear a longer set of pyjamas tonight, now grateful that I had forgotten my shorts at Charlie's house. "So how come you are falling out of the sky again, and this time in pyjamas?" Peter asked, pulling the Spider-Man mask off his face, confident it was me and not some stranger he was speaking to. "So you know my portal powers? Guess who does it in her sleep sometimes...." I explained. Peter looked slightly worried before his expression changed to a curious one. "So why'd you portal to me?"

I laughed awkwardly and began playing with the hem of my baggy t-shirt. "I watched Spider-Man: Homecoming before I went to sleep. And as much as I love you as a hero and a friend, I really hate the fact I dreamt of you," I told him honestly. Peter laughed at me and I wasn't quite sure if I'd offended him or not. "I guess I'll take the compliment then? Was the film good? Did I look amazing in it or did they make me really honest and clumsy all the time?" He questioned. "You were perfect, my favourite Spider-Man so far actually, a cute actor too, but I wasn't that interested, I've got Dick and that's all I need," I replied.

Peter looked relieved and a little flustered. "Wait so am I only cute if the actors cute? That's hardly fair since they're not even the real Spider-Man," he moaned. "I love your personality anyway Spidey. You perfect both as Peter and as Spider-Man, looks and charm and all that jazz. Although c'mon having a cute actor play you really does you justice," I added. He didn't seem that impressed but laughed all the same.

"Are you still happy with your boyfriend?" He asked. I smiled and nodded, "couldn't be better." Peter smiled, seemingly happy for me. "I've got to get going, but this time I want you to take my phone number, we've got a satellite sorted that works to connect phones wherever we go. We can catch up from time to time, hero to hero or friend to friend. I'll be seeing you Spider-Man" I said. "You too, Twilight Wolf," he called back, jumping off the building. Seconds later I watched him swing back up on a web, waving goodbye to me, shortly before I disappeared into a portal I created beside me on the rooftop.

I ended up back inside my room, landing on my bed as my bedroom door opened. "Sister? Are you there?" Damian called out into my dark room. "I'm here Dami," I replied. "Are you okay? Your tracker disappeared off the map momentarily," he queried, concerned for my well being. "I'm okay, nothing's broken, I'm a little windswept, but perhaps we should wake the others up so I can explain it to everyone," I answered. Damian stayed silent and left, his way of agreeing with me, and I headed down to the cave where my Dad was awake, still on patrol with Tim and Dick.

"So uh not to worry you Dad, but I just portalled to another realm.," I said. Dad looked concerned, but I quickly reassured him by adding, "Spider-Man saved me though so it's okay." Dick seemed comforted by the mention of the hero he had met briefly before and because of Dick's relief, Dad seemed okay with that, like he trusted Dick's judgement. "Well I'm glad you're okay, but this seems to be happening a lot more frequently. I was never quite sure how your mother managed to control that part of her powers," Dad thought aloud. I smiled at Dad's ignorance. My mum probably dreamt of him every night, there was nothing like the thought of home to keep you rooted there beside your one and only love.

"Well even if you tried to chain me to the bed I'd probably just take it with me. I'd have a better chance of survival being chained to someone else. That way when I teleport elsewhere, someone could help me find my way home," I commented. "It's a good idea, but who'd do it?" Dad asked. "I'm pretty sure any of the boys would do it, they'd just take it in turns like they do with patrolling," I suggested. "Of course we would, us Robins have to stick together after all," Tim responded.

Dick nodded in agreement to Tim, "As for tonight, I'm pretty sure Damian wants to check you're okay anyway so why don't you try going back to sleep with him by your side?" Dick said, his way of asking me to go get some rest. I smiled and hugged him and Dad, going upstairs to find Damian already inside my room. "Shall we get some rest sister?" I nodded and got into bed beside him, the comfort of having my younger brother beside me putting me back into a soft sleep.

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