Date Night

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Dick's POV
Tonight had to be perfect, we were going on a real date this time, a date which lasted the whole day long. While my heart raced I allowed myself to believe it was due to my utmost excitement, but part of me felt like it was giddy nerves, encouraging me not to mess this day up. I'd firmly told the others, Bruce included, to not alert me and Robin if anything came up unless it was a serious emergency.

I was persistent to make this date perfect. I would accompany her to the interview she had to attend, then we would go out for lunch and go sightseeing, in her realm not ours. Robin suggested that to avoid trouble we should simply go to the other realm, where heroes didn't exist and cops actually did effective jobs, well to an extent. She dressed smart casual, her appearance today being only her third appearance on tv since her return. After staying here a year and settling in she finally decided to show her face, making a good impression would create even more business proposals for Wayne Industries and would increase the popularity of the Wayne family even further, if it could go any further. Today she was invited to a talk show, and at her request she was allowed to bring me along also.

Making sure I was coordinated with Robin's outfit we had planned our clothes the night before with help from Charlie and Alfred. Our stylists as we liked to call them. After ensuring that I was ready and all the details were pristine I moved out of my room and next door to Robin's room. "Hey Little Wing you ready yet?" I teased, knowing how she liked to take her time dressing. The door burst open, nearly knocking me over and I stepped back to regain my balance. "So what do you think?" Robin asked me, looking up with self doubt in her eyes. I smiled and moved towards her, lifting her hands into my own. "You look beautiful," I admiringly spoke, smiling as I stood in awe of her beauty, despite her simple outfit. She blushed and turned her face away. "You were never good at taking compliments," I teased. She whined and buried her face in my shoulder as she hugged me. "C'mon lets go or we'll be late," I reminded her. We parted and she began moving quicker, "race ya!" She cried unexpectedly, causing me to chase her downstairs, laughter echoing from the pair of us. We reached the front door and Alfred escorted us to Gotham for the talk show.

Once on the set of the talk show, we were introduced as guests and we began our mini-interview. "So Robin, what's it like being home?" The host asked. She grinned, "It's great, I've got more brothers than I left home with and Alfred's home cooking is even better than I remembered," she replied. We laughed a little and the host continued, "so Dick, what's it like having Robin home?" I was asked. My turn to grin. "It was like a dream come true. 11 years is a long wait to confess to someone," I joked, knowing what the conversation would lead into. Robin elbowed me, annoyed I had brought it up so soon, but it needed to be out in the open anyway. "Ah congratulations you two, it only makes sense, the pair of you being childhood sweethearts," the host commented. Robin thanked her, "yeah, even my dad knew it was going to happen," Robin added, laughing. The host laughed too and continued interviewing Robin and I, asking about our relationship, but also the Wayne family and Bruce as a father.

Eventually our piece was over and Alfred escorted us back to the Manor. Robin opened up a portal and we jumped out in the middle of a large square, packed full of people and pigeons. "Welcome to London, Dick," Robin introduced. I looked around to take in the view, there were the typical taxi cabs and the known red buses. I listened out as it hit 12 and heard the chiming of Big Ben. It was like a new adventure. "It seems lovely, but won't I stick out being American and all?" I asked her, hoping we wouldn't be bombarded with too many scammers, hoping to entrap tourists. "We'll be fine Dick, stick with me, I've been practising my Queen's English for a while now, I did live here for 11 years after all, even with my weird mix of American and English accent," Robin reassured me.

She lead me further down the street and we got onto the London Underground, the Tube. It was as cramped as many people claimed, particularly due to the time of day we decided to travel at. Robin took us to a small burger restaurant named Bob's Burgers, she claimed the milkshakes were to die for. I laughed as she slurped it down quickly, a grin on her face. I took my phone out and snapped a picture, her adorable grin filling the screen. "Well that's my lock screen until forever," I teased, knowing she disliked having her picture taken.

"No fair, where's my photo?" She whined, holding up her phone at me. I shook my head, "if you want a picture of me smiling you'll have to be more sneaky otherwise it won't be natural and won't look nice," I refused. "You do realise you just told Batman's daughter to be more sneaky y'know?" Robin asked laughing. I nodded and began smiling too, "Okay you know what I mean, don't literally start secretly stalking me or something," I retreated, holding my hands up defensively. She pulled a funny face at me, her nose wrinkling up and her tongue poking out, "too late Dickie bird!"

After that she kept trying to make me laugh as we walked towards the London Eye, our hands entangled together as we swung them gentle between us. Her worst had to be when we stopped in front of the eye for a photo and she exclaimed, "eye see you there, you're smiling!" When she did this I couldn't help but laugh at how terrible it was.  "Rob, that's just bad now, can we stop with the London puns?" I pleaded, knowing she got a kick out of this. She cheekily grinned, "one last one?" She asked, giving me a kiss on the cheek as a bribe. I kissed her back and sighed, "one last one then," I allowed. Robin cheered and began her next joke.

"So I want to be like London Bridge, you wanna know why?" She began, slowly walking on again, her pace ahead of mine by a couple of her smaller strides. "Why's that?" I asked, playing along. She continued smiling, a cocky attitude about her, "because its falling down of course," she stated. I raised an eyebrow, falling down? She took my confused expression as a question and smirked, moving closer to me. She giggled before she could start speaking and then she whispered, "because I'd like to fall down on you." She winked and began to casually stroll away like she hadn't said anything out of the ordinary.

I found myself flustered by her comment, my overactive brain imagining a scene in my head, causing me to blush even further, leaving my blood rushing and my lips speechless. I ran to catch up to her as she reserved a cart on the eye for the pair of us. We sat opposite one another, myself still flustered by her comment. I could see now she was also blushing, probably realising the suggestive nature of her joke. I gazed silently at her, admiring her features in the bright light surrounding us. "Little Wing-babe-that was-uh-pretty bold of you," I spoke, my reputation as a smooth talker disappearing in seconds. This was it, I was out smooth talked.

Robin looked over and smiled, "I got my lock screen photo now too," she replied, showing me her photo. She had taken it just as I reacted to her comment. I was smiling and flustered, confused and intrigued. "You did all that for a photo?" I asked, a little annoyed she had gone that far for a photo. "Well.... maybe, but it's not far from the truth? We've been together a while now Dickie bird and I feel like I'm holding back too much. I'm just scared that's all," Robin confessed.

I moved beside her and hugged her tightly, running my hands down her hair. "You're not, I can wait for you, I always have and I always will Little Wing," I comforted her. We kissed gently, but was interrupted by the sunlight. Robin pulled away and turned my head with her hand to face the setting sun. "This is what I wanted you to see, it's really something don't you think," she softly spoke. I nodded, "just like you then, plus it's going down too," I quipped smirking. Ah teasing her about this made perfect payback. She blushed, looking momentarily unimpressed, but it was soon returning with a smirk. "Now who's suggestive?" She retorted.

I laughed and we kissed in the sunset as our cart stopped at the top for a moment. We felt on top of the world in our own bubble of love and feelings for one another. The kiss was warm and loving, the flavour of Oreo milkshake on her lips as there was vanilla on my own. My hand gently caressing her cheek as her arms snaked around my neck, tugging at the bottom of my hair. The cart moved again and we pulled apart. "Let's go home," she muttered quietly. I nodded, my eyes still mesmerised by her wonder and beauty that enveloped me during our kiss. She opened a portal in the cabin floor and we left for the manor, to continue enjoying the moment we were previously consumed by before the cart began moving again.

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