Disappearance (3) - Finale

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Robin's POV
Zatanna, myself and the other batgirls were in position just by the source of magic. We had found it in the forest, just hidden in a valley. Zatanna gave me the signal and I opened up a portal, aiming for the all-male dimension by thinking strongly of my father, of my brothers and Dick. Jumping into the portal I kept these thoughts in my mind, but when I reached the other dimension I was instantly thrown backwards and out of my portal. I couldn't step in.

"I can't get there!" I panicked, "How do we do this now?"

"Can't you send an object through?" Steph quickly asked, trying to calm me.

I laughed at myself momentarily. Steph was right. It wasn't the end of the world yet.

"I've got it, send this through!" Barbara told me, waving a dark tube in front of me.

"What is it?"

"Does it matter? Bruce or Dick should know what it is anyway. Just send it."

I nodded and opened up a portal again; if I kept opening portals this frequently my energy would drain completely. I dropped the tube through and it didn't fire back as I had done the first time.

"Now what?" I asked.

Kate and Zatanna stood on standby. "We take out the source. I think it may be Enchantress," Zatanna remarked. I didn't ask how she knew and trusted her intuition. She was the only experienced magic wielder here. As I stepped forward the ground beneath me shifted and I jumped back before a portal could swallow me whole. Out of it came a note, signed with a bat symbol. My father had responded. Kate came over to see it. It simply read:

'It's Felix Faust. We have Constantine aiding us. We will follow your plan. Look after my daughter.' Kate laughed at the last bit.

"My cousin worries too much about you, but I promise him all the same, we share blood after all."

I smiled under my mask at her, "at least someone thinks I'm capable."

"Oh he knows you're capable, he just knows that you go too far when emotion takes control. He said it was like watching your mother all over again."

It warmed me what Kate said, maybe it was true, but knowing and feeling my emotions wasn't necessarily a weakness.

"This way!" Zatanna called out.

I nodded to her and Kate and I caught up with her. "So how are we doing this then?"

"You guys need to immobilise her and distract her, then I can take her out and deactivate whatever she and Faust created to separate our worlds."

I listened carefully and began to question how we could trap a magic-user who could, in all likelihood, turn our physical objects into something of a completely different shape or matter. Running out towards Enchantress I wielded my wolf blades and slowed the time around me. Surely this would be a good enough distraction. One of the blades skimmed her hand before the others rotated and flew back at me. I created a portal and allowed my body to sink into it and back out into the cover of safety.

Steph and Kate were launching Batarangs and Cass was trying a more physical distraction, trying to use rope or a grappling hook to bind the magician before us. Barbara was behind cover with Zatanna trying to pinpoint what object she was using to split up the Earths. I collected up my wolf blades and this time fired them one by one, slowing time so that they would land seconds after she had deflected a Batarang from the others, making sure that Cass also saw them coming to move out the way in time.

"Now isn't this fun. I knew about Batman, I didn't realise he had this many little soldiers. And what's with the wolf? Run out of bat variations?" She mocked me and the others and I began to grow irritated with her comment. Maybe there weren't any more bat variations... and I couldn't be Robin! That was my name! So I chose something else. So what if I liked Twilight. Wolf just seemed to go with it.

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