Tim - Intruders & Video Games

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Tim's POV
Fridays were usually the best day of the week for the average teen. It was the one day a week you could go home and not do anything. I, on the other hand, was stuck with patrol duty. Sighing as I lowered myself into the chair in front of the computer, I began scrolling through camera feed after camera feed, listening to police radios and double checking various layers of code. While I didn't mind coding, hacking was definitely a favourite hobby of mine, but it was exhausting to do endlessly. Staring at the screen I slumped further down into the seat, straining my neck to look up at the screen and secretly hoping someone would save me from my duties tonight. Because tonight even coffee wasn't working.

I wasn't usually this lazy, particularly when Damian the Demon spawn was loitering because he always made sure I had to prove myself for no distinct reason. The brat was also out patrolling with Bruce so I had no worry of him returning anytime soon. Usually, Alfred would come down to leave a fresh cup of coffee, but tonight I hadn't seen him, which while it was little suspicious, we were in the manor and there was no way our security could be breached. Could there? Sure there was every incentive to breaking into a multi-billionaire's mansion, but if they knew what was good for them, they'd also know to stay away from here. I decided that the only way to stop my paranoia was to do a quick check of the house security systems, sending an electrical scan into the system to look for any bugs or break-ins. Static. Well shit.

I turned on the emergency security protocol and heard doors and windows lock as bars and barriers blockaded the house. I picked up my phone and sent a message to Robin, she was the only other person besides Alfred in the house. I was relieved to get an immediate reply of 'Me and Alfred are in my room', knowing that Robin had also instinctively saved Alfred was reassuring, as much as Alfred could handle himself, I didn't want to see him die on us today, not while I was supposed to be watching over the manor. Damian wouldn't let me hear the end of it. Neither would Bruce. I sent Robin another message, asking if she could portal to me in the Batcave. Down here was the most secure and the safest place for all of us.

Moments later a portal appeared in the floor, Alfred appeared first, but as he did he worriedly turned back to look at it, like Robin might not come through. "Alfred, where's Robin?" I asked. "Miss Robin is still in her room, the intruder was coming in to check for people and only I got through before the door opened," Alfred explained. The portal closed up as Alfred finished. Knowing nothing about Robin's situation I rushed back to sit at the computer and began frantically typing away, hoping, desperately thinking of a way to bring the cameras back online. "Alfred take my phone, you can check in on Robin, I'll try to fix this," I said, hoping to reassure Alfred a little more. I whooped a little when the system came back online and I grinned. Time to see who was raiding us.

"JASON!! WHAT THE- Alfred come see this!" I exclaimed. I looked around for Robin and found her approaching another figure, she looked familiar. She turned to the camera and waved smiling, ah, it's Starfire. Jason lumbered upstairs to his room and I saw that another figure had already occupied his bed. Roy Harper. "Miss Robin says to release the security protocol and come upstairs," Alfred called over to me. I did as she asked, knowing full well that Jason and his friends were not a problem for us. Alfred passed me my phone back and we both headed upstairs. "I think they're drunk Alfred," I guessed. "Most probably Master Tim, let's go find out shall we?" Alfred replied.

"Tim! Alfred!" Robin called out as she ran to us, a smile across her face. "Apparently the boys got drunk and Jason dared Roy to break into the manor. Easy fix though. Roy is in Jason's room and Jason can sleep in my bed," Robin explained. "Starfire went home after I told her we'd look after them. That's okay isn't it Alfred?" Robin added, turning to Alfred for approval of her decision. He nodded, "of course, but perhaps we shouldn't tell your father," Alfred replied. "Well we'd best go get Jason to bed then," I told Robin. She nodded and we both dashed upstairs, leaving Alfred to fix up the small mess downstairs. "Hey Tim, have you got your phone?" Robin asked. I nodded, pulling it from my pocket, smirking as I already knew what she was thinking. "The question is, have you got a marker pen?" I fired back.

We both laughed as we guided a drunken Jason towards Robin's bed, taking his jacket off of him, tucking him under the covers. Robin winked and quick as a flash she had drawn a large moustache and a goatee onto his messy face. I checked to see if the flash was on and took multiple pictures, sending copies to Robin for our own amusement. Making blackmail opportunities was never turned down in this family, especially when there were five of us kids. Creeping out slowly, I followed Robin out and down the corridor away from the room. The minute we were out of earshot we let the laughter loose. "Oh god, I've got to show Charlie this," Robin giggled. "So what do we do now?" I asked. "Tim you like games right? Please say yes," Robin pleaded. Who did she think I was? How could I be a computer-obsessed nerd and not play video games?

"Of course I do, why?" I asked. "Me and you, playing games, now. I'm gonna start showing you who's the real champ," Robin said cockily, with that Wayne flare of hers. A flare unfortunately unobtainable to me. "You better watch what you say, I'm the champ around here," I teased back. "Guess we'll just have to find out"

I followed Robin as she lead me downstairs to play her game. She turned on the Wii console sat on the desk below the large flat screen tv and switched the tv on, turning to the right av channel. "Welcome to Mario Kart, time to get your butt kicked," she teased. I shook my head denying her victory and took the controller and wheel from her hands. "I'm a quick learner, I'll beat you easy even if you do have the advantage of past experience," I taunted. We both laughed as we were becoming incredibly competitive, laughing at how silly and largely cocky we were.

The game loaded up and the menu screen shouted 'Mario Kart Wii!' At us. The game seemed pretty straightforward and after Robin had explained the game controls to me I realised it was fairly easy to get the hang of and master within a couple hours. She chose Dry Bones and I chose Baby Mario, I opted for the Bullet Bike while she went for the Concerto. "Ready?" She asked me. "More than ready," I grinned back.

~5 hours later~

We were tied on points, the pair of us tired and worn out from shouting profanities and curses at one another in our fits of rage and annoyance. Mario Kart really brought out the anger in some people. I dreaded the last race, after playing all the maps it was easy to figure out which ones were hardest and next up was rainbow road. Robin seemed pretty smug as the race loaded in, cocky that her experience would allow her to win. I couldn't let that happen now, could I?

Smirking as the game started, I mentally cheered when she failed to get a speed boost after the countdown. As our characters battled with the CPU and each other, silence filled the room, both Robin and I too concentrated on winning that we didn't have time to stop and get salty at each other. As I crept into third place I saw Robin in first place. Spotting an item I prayed for something that could slow her down and the game gods delivered. "Guess who's got three red shells," I quipped, knocking back second place."Tim, I swear to god if you knock me off-" Robin went silent. She was hit by my shell as she went up the ramp. Now she was falling to her inevitable doom. "Oopsie? Nah I'm not that sorry, I did say I was the best around here," I teased, rubbing insult to injury. Robin stayed silent, her eyes fixated on the screen. Should I be worried?

Just as I was about to cross the finish line a blue shell came and hit me, a goddamn blue shell right at the end, what are the frickin' chances?! And in my moment of misery, a grey figure zipped past me to take first place. "In your face Timmy! I believe I'm the winner here!" Robin cheered happily, laughing at my misfortune. "Whatever that's just luck, Mario Kart doesn't even require skill," I groaned, looking at my measly 5th place. "Aww don't be such a sore loser. I say we play teams next, let's beat them together," Robin suggested, although not before winding me up a little. I smiled and we shook hands as a silly gesture of camaraderie, "they won't know what hit them," I joked.

We were about to start another round, but a moan came from the doorway as Jason arrived in the doorway. "You guyss are sooo loudd," he spoke, his words laced with alcohol. Robin and I laughed, unable to ignore our art masterpiece on his face. "Okay Jason we'll try keep it down," I told him faking a serious tone. "Thankss you guyys, seee that's why yoou are my favs," he mumbled again, too intoxicated to speak properly. We giggled at him and Robin called out "love you too Jay!" As he wandered away back upstairs. We returned back to the game and I stuck the CPU up to the hardest difficulty in the game, time to challenge our prowess.

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