The Madman with a Box - Crossover

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Robin's POV
I was walking home from my lunch out with my father when something unusual caught my eye. As much as I was in America, seeing the very much British police box just outside the manor struck me as insane, but my family were rich, they could acquire anything they wanted, unfortunately. The number of times they had brought something crazy home or bought something ridiculous on the internet. I was getting flashbacks to the fish shoes Jason had bought and the bathtub full of fidget spinners that Tim had bought. We really needed more restrictions in this house.

I passed by the box and went inside to leave my bag and coat. Alfred greeted me at the door and took my coat from me. "Thanks Alfred, by the way did one of the boys buy a police box?" I asked. "A police box Miss?" He asked. "Y'know those blue ones from England," I told him, knowing he would recognise one. "No, they haven't. I haven't seen one of those in a long time," he responded. I grinned and took his hand, leading him outside the front door, "well today is your lucky day, because there it is."

Alfred and I walked over to the box and Alfred looked peacefully nostalgic as he viewed the box. He tugged at the handle, it didn't open. I could probably portal inside. "Hey Al, want to see inside?" I asked. "That would be wonderful Miss Robin, but it's locked," he replied. I smiled, "I have my ways." Alfred must have seen the glint in my eyes as he stepped back away from me, watching patiently as I opened a portal. Alfred had only been through them once or twice, he didn't like travelling by portal. This time was an exception. I linked my arm through his and we travelled through my portal into the blue box.

This wasn't a police box.

This was something way more than a police box. "Alfred, please tell me all police boxes looked like this," I asked. He shook his head, "I don't believe they did Miss," he said slowly. He stepped ahead of me defensively as we heard noises below us, like a mechanic fixing a car, it sounded like machinery being moved and dropped, a tool clanging as it dropped to the floor. "Where are we?" I muttered. I know that we both probably thought of portalling out again, but now we were too curious to leave. Unusual was usually our thing, we were from a family of costumed heroes after all and none of us was exactly normal. "Hello?" I called out. We heard a bang and a weak cry of pain before footsteps thudded towards us.

"Who are you! How did you get on here?" A man exclaimed as we surprised him with our presence. "Um, you're parked in front of our manor? And I can portal through dimensions, hope we didn't intrude," I replied. He opened his mouth and closed it again, "brilliant oh that's just brilliant that is!" He cried. "May I ask who you are sir?" Alfred asked.

"What year is it? Where am I? And how are you British?"

Alfred answered, "It is 2019 sir, you're in front of Wayne Manor, Gotham City, USA. And I'm British Sir because I come from England."

"Wonderful. Names?" He responded.

"I'm Robin Wayne."

"Alfred Pennyworth."

"Right well Robin, Alfred you might want to hold on because you just boarded whilst I'm mid-flight and we're going to land soon," he explained, holding onto the centrepiece. We did as we were told and clutched onto the metallic railings. "Wait! How are you mid-flight? You were parked on our front lawn when we saw the blue box" I protested, confused by his logic.

"You're from the future then, because we're landing at... Wayne Manor was it? We're landing there now!" He told me. What? So did I portal through time? I mean I knew it was possible because when I entered new dimensions their time was always different to ours. Did I just time travel within the same dimension? How??

"We've landed. You can leave if you like, but first one question, how can you do that timey wimey portal thing?" As he asked the question, the penny dropped inside my head. He was the-OMG Charlie was going to FREAK. Big time. "She got it from her mother sir, lots of people have superpowers," Alfred commented. I nodded, "yeah there's loads of us supers here, and we've got aliens as well, all friendly of course," I added, knowing he enjoyed the alien stuff. He grinned, "glad to see I'm welcome here. Now, Robin, could you come over here so I can scan you, for research purposes," he asked. I knew he just wanted to know what I used to control and make the portals, and knowing who he was meant I was not worried when asked to be in his more than capable hands.

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