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Love you guys!!


18 years later

Slamming the car door close. She walked gangster like inside the school.

Everyone moving away, just by seeing her eyes raises upward.

Her white canvas shoes rubbing against the ground when her feet moved towards the tall building.

Her brown silky hair, swaying side to side getting all the attention.

Girls were giving her the evils while the guys were swooning over her.

"wah! She's a hottie man!!"

"Don't say anything fool!"


"Didn't you hear. If you ever think about dating her or complementing her than you might end up outside of this school!"

"But man she's so HOT!"

Ignoring those Comments with a deep sigh, she made her way in front of the classroom. Twisting the door open, she elegantly entered her first class.

"Oh! What a surprise. You are late again. Miss Jinae.." the teacher claimed, clearly annoyed by the girl's everyday routine.

Just because this school was her father's property she got all the freedom. 

Rubbing her pink glossy lips together. She eyes the teacher with a frustrated eyes.

"And exactly who are you to talk to me like that? Last time I checked you didn't even wanted me in your glass." Her cold eyes killing the older woman in just a second.

Looking down, the teacher mumbled a small sorry.




"I can't believe our jungkookie has a fiancé that he has never seen. Wow! "Taehyung laughs while holding his stomach.

Jimin ignored them completely as he cuddles closer to his girlfriend.

"Soohyun ah!"


"Are you cold?" The girl pouts before nodding her head. Jimin hugs her tightly. Jungkook gave them a disgusting look as he pushed his glasses upward.

"I don't know what to do hyung! My dad just called me to say that I am going back to Korea.."
Taehyung stopped at that as he gathered his emotions.

"Oh! That's a big problem."

"That's why I told you guys. Otherwise I would have never told you anything about her." The man pouts while hugging his books closer to his chest.

"I will be in the library." Jungkook exclaims as he stood up from the chair.

This took the two couples attention. Jimin opened his mouth to say something but closed it again when he remembers something.

"Ah! My friend is in Korea!"

"Well. Good for you hyung." The youngest rolled his eyes before pushing his chair inside the table.

"No! Wait. I mean he can help you when you go from Japan to Korea."

Jungkook shook his head. He thought that his friends will just be like him. Flirty, useless. Denying his offer. Jungkook walked towards the library.

"Who is she? That will marry our nerdy..." Taehyung Snickers, thinking about the girl.

Just when he turns, his eyes widened. Jimin was making out with Soohyun.

'seriously they don't even see where they are... I am embarrassed!!'

He also stood up and left.



How was it? I hope it's not getting boring.

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