Wedding night

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Ariana grande: No tears left to cry

Mature scene ahead. No kids. SHOOOOO!!


Jungkook bowed everyone as all the guest were leaving one by one. Mrs Jeon and Jong were also too busy seeing the guest off. It was already night time and the party was about to finish. 

The man kept eyeing his wife who was with his friends.

'She looks hot.' He thought in his mind as his eyes went towards her cleavage which was showing. He shook his head while bringing back his attention back to the guests. 


A voice called for him making him turn around. His eyes raised up in confusion as he eyes the man in white coat. His eyes sharp while his white skin  with his dress. 

Jungkook smiled thinking of him as one of the guest. 

"Hello. Are you enjoying the party?" The man smiled before he walks closer. "Yea, Just one thing is not here."

"What is that?"

"My lover."

"Huh?" Jungkook was confused to what he was saying. Tilting his head slightly to the side Jungkook scratched his neck nervously. 

"She betrayed me. She left me for someone." Jungkook awkwardly smiled as he thought of going away from here. 

"O-Oh okay." He said before raising his hand to shake. 

"I hope we meet again." The other man's lips turned upwards as he took Jungkook's hand. "Oh we will for sure."


They both got inside the most expensive hotel in Tokyo. With their hands tangled with each other. This was because their parents that they were out here. They wanted them to spend a night alone and not get disturbed which meant giving them personal space. 

Both Jungkook and Jinae were thankful for that. Since now what both of them were doing the parents would have never wanted to view, ever. 

Their lips mingled with each other as they both ate each others lips inside the elevator. Their mouth not leaving even for a while. The door opens but they didn't leave each other. Jungkook picked her up as they both walked towards their room. 

Jinae Pov

Ever heard of that quote which says how this certain someone can make you laugh. Smile. Grow. Lust. Want. Crave. Feel. Make you mad but happy..? That's exactly what I was feeling as jungkook's manly hands touch every inch of my body.

He reluctantly breaks the kiss in order to slam the door shut, removing his flawless black silk tuxedo on the floor.

A wild sting of fire runs like electricity as he grabs my shoulders and pulls me in for continuing where we had left....... He deepens the kiss, his hand takes the support of my butt, which was perfectly wrapped around the evening gown his mother had handed me over.... my wedding gown that is.

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