•|Missing you|•

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Jinae smiled at her phone as she sat on her bed. Caressing the screen she pouted. Her heart was beating just looking at the picture.

"Jungkookie. Why do you do this to me heart?" She spoke softly while her eyes never left the face of her lover. She slides down under the covers and places the phone on the other side.

"I really want that one month to end soon because I want to be called Mrs Jeon." She giggled cutely before turning her lights off.

"But I have to wait and I hate it..." She pouted before looking at Jungkook's photo again.


"This is the captain speaking. We have some serious issue. The weather just got really bad and we have to land the airplane as soon as possible. Please be safe with your seat belts on..."

The announcement shook everyone in the plane. Jungkook hold his mothers hand tightly since she was panicking.

Jungkook suddenly stands. This made the parents to look at their son with worried eyes.

"Jungkook. What are you doing!? Sit back down."

Mrs Jeon yelled at her son who smiled at her.

"Eomma! Nature call. Have to go!"

He teased before going to the toilet which was made for the business rich.

Jungkook turned the door knob before entering inside the bathroom.

After doing his business. He straighten his clothes and looked at himself in the mirror. Walking outside the toilet. He stumbled a bit before he saw his parents.

Smiling at them. He walked towards them.

Just when he was about to reach his seat. The airplane turned. This made him loose his balance. His feet slipped making his head hit on one of the metal equipment with full force.


Wincing in pain. He held onto his head. His eyesight going blurry. He dropped down on the floor as Mr Jeon ran to his son.


The words seemed to fade away as his eyelids slowly closed.


Jinae walked down the hallway as her friends were following her from behind.

All of them busy talking about there holidays. Jinae smiled at some of their conversation.

Everything seemed so much better. Returning back with all those memories made her enjoy school.

"Jinae! Tell us something about your fiance."

"Yea. Tell us how he looks.." Jennie teased before winking at other girls.

Jinae just shook her head before biting her lip in shyness.

"He is hot and really kind."

"Ohhhhh~~~" they all melted at the words since the Jong Jinae they know about would never call a boy hot.

"He finally got your heart caged up."

The talks weren't stopping anytime. Just when they reached the classroom. The other girls entered first.

When Jinae was about to go in someone held onto her wrist.

Jennie stopped with her best friend as her eyes went to the person who tried to do this to her girl.


He held Jinae's hand more tighter before pulling her towards him. The girl was quick to push him away.

"What are you doing!!?" She yelled as the boy only smirked.

"Nothing just wanting to show you how much I love you." The girls were on the edge of vomiting.

Jinae pointed her finger at the boy before pushing him to the locker.

"If you ever try to touch me again. I swear I will beat the shit out of you. You get that." She warned before kicking his leg.

Minyoung was in pain. Hearing these words from the girl he loves. He felt betrayed.

His possessive side kicked in when he saw a red spot on her neck. Thinking it's a hickey from her so called finance. His boiled up...

He harshly grabbed the girl and pushed her against the locker. Changing their side.

Jennie's mouth was wide open at his doing. She felt his back acting dominant.

Gritting her teeth she pulled him off Jinae who was also confused with the boy's doing.

"Get the fuck out of here before I call the guards..." The boy licked his lips as he eyed Jinae with lust.

"You will come to me. I promise you that. You will come to me begging to fuck you."

He spoke before turning around and leaving the girl confused.

"What the heck was that!?" Chaeyoung let out before pulling the trembling girl in her arms. Even though Jinae was brave and strong but what she saw in his eyes was something which she saw nowhere.

He looked dangerous.

Gulping nervously. She nods and hugs her friend tighter.

Meanwhile there was Jennie who felt that there was something wrong.



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