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|Jeons Mansion|

"I will be fine Eomani!" He tried confronting the women who was crying like a small 7 years old.

Jungkook was getting ready to leave for Japan to meet his fiance but ever since that news his mother would always cry. 

Mrs Jeon has never lived anywhere without her son. It was as if he was her light. He maybe away most of the time from home but there was never a time when Jungkook wouldn't come and kiss her a good morning or good night. 

Mrs Jeon was just feeling like a mother should, when her one and only son leaves to another country. 

"It's just a year." 

"Yea! but What if you don't eat. What if you get kidnapped like they do in drama. OMO!!" Mrs Jeon screamed dramatically.

The father who just arrived from his job tsked. 

"Is she at it again Jungkook." The man spoke before handing his bag to the maid. The young man slowly nodded. 

"Mrs Jeon. Listen to me. He will be fine. He's going to meet his fiance. He's not going their to fight in ww3." Both father and son laughed but that soon stopped when the mother gave them an evil look. 

"Are you trying to make fun of me." 

"Ani... I just find you funny." Jungkook face palmed. 

"Aish. I'm going to the liabray. I need to get some books before I leave Tokyo." Jungkook spoke as he tried settling his specs. 

"oh okay, be careful son." Mrs Jeon said softly and smiled.

Just when Jungkook left the house they started their little attacking session again.

"So! I am a weird women right?"

"I didn't say that."

"Yea? And do you know what's this called." The women showed her fist to her husband who was smiling like crazy. 

"No. Is it called a one bone beautiful fist."


Jungkook walked around the Library as he tried finding some good book.

Out of nowhere his fingers slightly touched a book making it fell on the ground.

He squats down to get the book but the title make him feel weird.



"Hmm. Will our story be like this too My future wife..."

Jungkook said while closing the book. His little smirk not leaving as he thought about the moments the two couple spent.

"I will buy this book Miss." The librarian gave him a polite okay sign before issuing the book to him..

"Thanks.." The boy smiled as he fixed his glasses.

'I am so excited to meet you Miss Jinae.'


I hope you all have a nice day or night. I love you all...


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