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"Love is not weakness. It is strong. Only the sacrament of marriage can contain it."  

By Boris pasternak 


Seconds turned into hours and those hours turned into days. The days than evolved into weeks and months. 

Dry leaves were covering the road of Tokyo. The cars were passing in 50 km/h speed in front of the airport. 

Meanwhile here were the Jeon family waiting outside the airport for their In laws. Jungkook couldn't keep it to himself anymore. He was so excited and you could see that by his red cheeks and his shaking hand.

Your parents wanted the wedding to happen in Japan since this is where you will be living after marriage. Jungkook's parents had nothing to say. All they wanted was Jinae as their daughter in law. 

"Calm down son. I am sure they will be here any minute." His father walked up to his son and whispered. Keeping  the conversation hidden from the mother who was on her phone. 

"A-Appa. It's not like that." Jungkook shyly replied as he rubbed his neck. 

"Oh really. Is that so." Mr Jeon teased Jungkook more and both of them laughed. Jungkook looked down as he thought about meeting you after a month. It was hard for him but was it for you? 

 Suddenly Jungkook's thoughts were interrupted when he heard squealing sound of his mother.  Both his father and him gave each other a weird look before turning their attention to the front, only to see the Jong family arriving with their suitcase. 

Everyone seemed happy as they all had big smiles on there face. Jungkook saw your small figure just behind your parents. You were struggling with the suitcase and he found it cute. The boy smiled to himself as he bowed to your parents. 

"Oh Jungkook ah! My son.." Mr Jong spoke as he pulled your fiance into his arms. After a talk with everyone. The man looked back, only to find your frowing face. He smirked as he walked towards you. 

Playing with your bags stripe you tried ignoring the boy. Just how he did. But you couldn't. 

"Are you mad at me?" He spoke in low voice as his hands were holding your waist. Hearing these words your stomach was doing all sorts of things. You missed him. You missed this. 

"J-Jungkook. I missed you." He smiled before nodding.

"Me too. I missed you more." You shook your head before hiding your smile which was forming due to his words. Jungkook smiled as he hugged you. Your arms also tighten around his shoulder as you leaned against his warm embrace. 

"Ahmm" The moment was disturbed when the Jungkook's father coughed. Your face was flushed red as you hid behind JUngkook when the boy turned to face his father. He held your hand as he giggled. 

"Sorry appa." Mr Jeon shook his head as he wiggled his eyes. Jungkook looked down while dragging his girl with him. 


Her back pressed against the door of his room as they both were breathing heavily. Jungkook ran to his room since he knew if his mother got Jinae than she will not leave her. Which means he will not have a moment with her. 

"Jungkook. What was that? I wanted to talk to your mother." She spoke despite her lungs were fighting for oxygen. The man in front cheekily smiled as he pressed his body against Y/n making her breath hitch. 

She turned her head away avoiding his dark eyes as she tightly closed her eyes. His breath fanning her face. She could smell his minty breath making her weak. She wanted to claim his lips as she was hungry for it. But she had to be like a girl. 

'Act hard to get.' That's what Jennie told her when she said how he always calls when she texts. Well Jennie was the god of love for Jinae. 

"Why? Playing hard to get?" Jungkook spoke in his raspy voice as he turned her face by holding her chin. She didn't dare to open her eyes since she knew she would fall for it if she see them. 

"Don't be like this. You know how much I missed your lips. I still can't forget the taste you know." He let out making her gulp. Finally she opened her  eyes. He cursed when he saw her glare. It was the hottest thing he has ever seen. 

"Is that so? Than why didn't you text or call me first. huh?" Jungkook chuckled at her statement.

"Oh is my baby sad. Fine I will pay for it. What should I do." Jinae pretended to think as her lip was in between her teeth. Jungkook's eyes went to her lips as he felt himself getting nervous. 

Her hands moved upwards towards his neck as her slender fingers tugged onto his black coats collar. 

"Your punishment is.... You have to try not to make any sound while-" She paused her words before her lips touched his ear. His whole body shook under her touch as his eyes were wide open. 

"-I kiss you." she finished her sentence. Jungkook nods quietly. 

With those words she slowly kissed his white neck. He threw his head backwards. Trying to hold his moan he held onto her tightly. She closed her eyes as she sucked on the soft Kiss.

"J-Jiane, S-stop it. I can't control." The girl smirked while moving upwards to his jaw. He turned his head to the side giving space. Just when she was about to kiss his lips he placed his finger on her lips. 

"My turn." Her eyes raised up in confusion but when he picked her up. Her eyes were widen in shock.

"J-Jungkook." she said while holding onto his clothes for support. 


He spoke as he threw her on the bed, hovering on top of her. 

"We should s-"

Cutting her words he got her pink lips. The lips moved together in sync as they closed their eyes. Both lost in the kiss. 



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