|•Another Jungkook•|

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AN: Short chapter


There was no one in the office as Jungkook was working by himself. His head bopping to the soft music he was listening.

Jungkook was working late night since his parents went abroad for other deals. Now everything was given to him. 

"Sir." A high pitched voice spoke as she stared inside the room. Jungkook sighed, knowing who it was. He replied with a small hmm as Yeseul walked inside. 

Her dress too revealing as she stood in front of her boss. "Mr Jeon, I will be leaving so is there anything you want me to do before I leave." Jungkook was not even paying attention to the girl. His full attention on his papers when he spoke. 

"No. I don't think, I need anything. You can leave." The girl frowned as she looked down dissapointed. All she wanted was him to look at her. Then the box in her hand reminded her of something.

"Oh! I actually got you and Mrs Jeon a present for marriage. Since I couldn't attend." Jungkook finally looked up. His eyes scanned her outfit which made him roll his eyes. Since it wasn't the first time it happened. He nodded swiftly before opening his mouth to speak.

"You can put it there. Thanks for the gift." Yeseul was bursting with happiness since he finally spoke to her which is not related to work. 

"Yes. Thank you sir." She replied before placing it on the table. Her feet turned as she walked out of the office. 


"Oh! Jungkook? What are you doing here?" The girl spoke when she saw her husband walking inside their room. The man just smiled before he pushed the girl down on the bed. 

He hovered on top of her with no words leaving his mouth. 

"You were coming late tonight. Weren't you?" The man smirked before he shook his head. His eyes fixed on her lips as he leaned into her. 

"What happened Jungkook? You are acting weird." Her words slurred as he nuzzled into her neck. Softly giving her kisses. But they were different. 

She wasn't felling that spark anymore. 

"Jungkook. Stop it." Her hands on his chest as she tried pushing his away. 


Suddenly the door opened as a familiar voice entered the room. Just hearing that, the man on top of Jinae smirked before pulling away. He ran to the window and jumped down. 

"Jungkook? You are here? " Jungkook was left shocked when he saw a stranger on top of his wife's body. His eyes were shaking in anger as he ran towards the window. 

"Guard!! Get him!!" He yelled. The veins poping on his neck while he gave the orders. But the man seemed too fast as if he knew every single way out/ exit. 

When the guards failed to do so. Jungkook turned around. His eyes red. 

"Jinae! Are you okay?" He cupped her cheeks before kissing her forhead. Her body shivering in his embrace. Her eyes couldn't get it straight. 

"huh?? He- He looked j-just like you Jungkook."

The girl spoke nervously. Her hands clutching his shirt harder as he picked her up in bridal style.

Sitting on the bed with her on his lap, he caressed her cheek.

"Don't worry. You are safe now. I will see who this bastard was." Jinae nodded before hugging him tight again.

Jungkook also did the same. The thought of what he saw never leaving his mind.

He knew he shouldn't be sitting here. He should call the cops but he wanted his girl to feel safe first.

'I need to talk to jinsu hyung.'


Minyoung smirked as he looked at himself in the mirror. "See I told you Jinae. That you wouldn't think for second before giving yourself to me. This was just a start. See what happens next.

I am going to make him believe that you are cheating on him. And than you will be mine forever."

Loud laugh echoes inside the empty place as he stood there in front of the mirror. He was so confident that he would leave you.

But one thing he was missing in their was that when two lovers come together. No power can break them apart.

It's just like magnet. Even if they will be apart for a second they will eventually find their way back.



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