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Jungkook was smiling to himself when he saw her being so impatient for the kiss. He teased her as he slowly brushed his lips against her. Jinae's frustratingly sighed as her grip on his shirt tightened.

"Please~ Do it already.."

She didn't wait any more longer since his lips were already smashed against hers. Butterflies formed while they pulled onto each other. It was as if they were craving for this since they were born. Their lips mingled together while he slowly took her bottom lip with his teeth.

They were inexperienced at this but they didn't mind at all. This made them feel alive.

His tongue slowly slides inside her warm mouth making her gasp. Her eyes opened wide as she saw him with his closed eyes. Enjoying the kiss. His soft muscles playing with hers being the dominant one.

They were both out of breath from this whole make-out session. Which made Jungkook to pull away as his breath fanned over her face. His forehead resting on hers as he cupped her cheek. Caressing her white rosy skin, he smiled.

The silence was relaxing.


"Hmm" He spoke in a whisper, still recovering from the intense kiss.

"We are getting engaged next week." Hearing this, both of them chuckled. Not wanting to separate from each other, he pulled her closer as she was now on his lap.

"What about it?"

"After the engagemnet you will go back to japan right?" His smiley face turned into a frown. Placing her head on his chest, he kissed her head.

Not wanting to say anything. He intervened his slender fingers with hers as he tried thinking of what to say.

"Jinae. I-I will have to. I have to take over appa's business but I will be back and take you with me after a month."

He shyly smiled before bringing her hand up to his mouth. Kissing it softly, he whispered.

"And in that time, if you ever look at any boy. I would come and take you away, right at that time." She blushed before looking up at him.

"That applies to you too, Mr Jeon Jungkook."

He smirked before he quickly pecked her soft lips.

"I can never think of anyone else. Except you Mrs Jeon."


Minyoung couldn't sleep all night. As he kept imagining them kissing. Yes, He was stalking them. His mind was going crazy each day.

His blood was boiling when thinking of Jinae with someone else. He loved her, He wanted her with all his heart.

"I love you! I love you so fucking much Jinae. I want you!!!"

He didn't wanted believe the engagement. All he thought was, how can she love that Jungkook so much. Even before meeting him.

"I am not letting this happen. I will be the one for you Jinae. Just wait." He got off his king size bed as he walked towards the big brown door.


Mrs Jong sighed tiredly when she entered her mansion late at night with Mr Jong. They both just arrived from the trip since the old man was so tired he went straight to sleep. But the women walked towards her daughters room.

She missed her.

Opening the door a little. Mrs Jong peeked inside the room, but she gasped and placed her hand on her mouth with a shocking face.

In front she saw Jungkook and Jinae sleeping together. Their arms tangled together with each other. They were so close with no space in between them.

"AWWWW~" The women was dying with their cuteness. Taking her phone out of her bag, she clicked their photo. Then Walking backwards she closed the door and smiled.

"They are so cute..." She thought before opening her phone again.

Sending the photo to someone she jumped while going to her room. "Mrs Jeon will love this.."



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