
11.6K 703 235


11pm Seoul Airport

With his bag rolling behind him, He walked out of the airport. His white shirt, glasses and black pants made him look way mature than his age. 

One of the air hostess gasped when he smiled at her, showing his Bunny teeth. He shyly Walked past.

Just when he reached outside the airport, he thought maybe someone was waiting for him but his eyes didn't see anyone making him frown.


Jungkook took his phone out of his pocket as he searched for Mr Jong's number. Just when he was about to apply some pressure to select the call section. A car honked at him. Scared he moved backwards, placing his hand on his chest.

"Hey! You! Are you Jinae's fiance. Jungkook?" A girl with a deep yet beautiful voice spoke. Jungkook being a shy boy, just softly nodded. 

"Oh! She told me to pick you up! Hop on." Jungkook raised his eyebrow in confusion. 'Why would she tell her friends and not come herself.' 

He tried to get all his thoughts in place when the girl in front honked again. 

"I don't have all day. Please sit." Jungkook gulped and sat inside the car. This whole ride the only person in his mind was his mother. She informed him to not sit in strangers car.......but he just did. 

He was thinking of all the sanarios his mother told him. 

'They can even use you as a sex toy. Never talk to a person who you don't know. Okay?'

'oh shit. Sorry omma..'

Jungkook was in his world, thinking of how to get out. That he didn't realize the car was already parked minutes ago and the girl in the driver seat was looking at him with a 'what are you doing?' face. 

"We are here." 

Looking outside, Jungkook realized that it was a club.

People were making out, underneath the Street lights while some of the parked cars were moving hard. His eyes were shaking. He never in his life visited these kind of places. The boy was shocked by the way he was being welcomed in Korea. 

"I - I am sorry Miss but, Aren't you suppose to drop me in Jong's mansion." The girl licked her lips in frustration as she pushed her hair back.

"Listen boy, She told me you were going to meet her here so here I am. Now get off and by the way, don't call me Miss. My name is Jennie, Kim Jennie."

Jungkook's eyes widened in shock. 

"OMG! Are you Kim seokjin's sister... The famous fashion designer in Korea and japan." Jennie smirked proudly before looking down with an attitude. 

"Well yea I am. But in here I am your fiance's best friend also known as her slave. I will call her so wait here." 

She got off first and walked inside the club. Jungkook's body was getting hot when he thought of seeing you for the first time.


" Wait so he's outside?" Jinae yelled in excitement. Her eyes sparkling with love and joy.

"Yes. And now get lost and take him with you. I need to sleep. I am so tired." Jennie rolled her eyes after seeing her friend blushing like a stupid love sick person for the first time.

"Mmm?" Jinae cutely blinks.

"Are you kidding me? Stop it already and go!" This time Jinae pouts, she looks at her friend with puppy eyes. As if asking for her to do something.

"No! I am not doing the thing you told me to. I don't think he's like any other guys. He seems innocent. "

Ignoring her friends words Jinae dragged Jennie with her.

She needed to confirm if he was excited to see her just like she was. Jinae saved her body and soul just for this boy but did he do the same thing.

Well that's what she will find out today.


Feeling a bit exhausted and tired, Jungkook got out of the car with his bag.

Exhaling the fresh night air, he sighed. The boy looked around but felt a bit flustered when some group of girls outside the club started checking him.

He cleared his throat as he humms and moved his gaze somewhere else. 

"Jungkook!" A familiar voice yelled.

Jungkook flinched at that before recognizing the person and turning his body.


Just when he turned he saw Jennie holding a girl which looked a bit drunk.

Jennie shook her head and rolled her eyes at her friend who was whispering her to start the plan.

"Aish.." She mumbled under her breath.

The brown haired girl didn't wast any more time and pushed the "drunk girl" in Jungkook's way.

Cold wind howled around as it swept the drunk girl's hair back. Revealing her face. Jungkook didn't know why but he felt as if someone was ringing bells.

His whole body turned hot while he dark brown orbs never left the girl who was landing in his arms with slow motion.

Once he caught the girl. They both stared into each other's eyes. They were both lost in their own world as if they were the only two who were present there at that time.

Out of nowhere someone started playing violin behind them creating the romantic mode.

"Oh lord Chaeyoung. We need to go." Jennie spoke ignoring the couple and dragging her friend with the violin.

Meanwhile Jungkook's pink lips parted as he spoke.

This whole time his shyness was long gone since he felt more dominant in front of this girl.

His heart recognized the girl straight away.




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