•|Our Strong Bond|•

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Jungkook's Pov

My hands were shaking as I tried digesting the situation. My mind just froze after seeing the video. I know it's not me but why am I more scared now.

"This is getting out of our hands. We really need get the chief involved." Jinae spoke to me softly trying to make me not think about that disgusting tape.

But how can I not. He's basically gone too far now. I have to agree with my wife's plan.

"Yes you are right jinae. I have to talk to the chief now." The girl in front of me  nods before coming close to me.

"Even though I know that person wasn't you since you were busy with me but your secretary still thinks it was you. You have to tell her." I bob my head before grabbing her from her small waist and pulling her on my lap.

She sat comfortably as if she does this often, well I am not complaining. .

"I am sorry Jinae." I let out before kissing her neck. Her body shivers under my touch as she shakes her head.

"Seriously Jungkook. I should have let Jin oppa to hit you with his slippers." I pout at that remake.

"Why~~ You are my wife. Why are you allowing him to do this to me." The girl says nothing before she smacks my chest.

"This is because you are not being serious. Mr Jeon Jungkook."

I frown before sneakily moving my hands towards her neck. I could see her changed expression.

Pulling her by the neck. I peck her soft pink lips.

"We don't need to worry if we got each other. I will talk to the chief and make sure that he gets caught." Jinae cutely pouts before nodding.

"I just want to live a normal life Jungkook but it's nothing like that." I shake my head before hugging her small frame tight.

"We will Jinae and soon we will have our babies too."


The chief was going through the files. His mind occupied with who could that person be who had the same face as Jeon  Jungkook. 

"So what do we have here.." The man spoke when he gazed at the names of the man who had surgery.  "Youngjin, Dong woo, Jungwook and Minyoung" 

His index fingers traced his bottom lips, when he was deep in thoughts. "Who could it be?" 

Just than the door was opened as a girl entered inside. "Sir, Police officer Mino is here to see you." The chief waved his hand signing to let him in. 

Mino entered the room after few seconds. He salutes the chief getting no reaction from the other man. "Sir Min yoongi, I heard you needed me." 

Yoongi bit his lip in victory which he always did when he was close to achieve what he wants. 

 "Yes, indeed I do need you. Come here." Mino confusingly walked closer and stopped when he was beside the chief. 

"Look here." Yoongi pointed to the names on the file. "I want you to trace all these people. Go to all the doctors and ask them for their real photos before surgery. I believe that the person who did the surgery to have the same face as Jungkook, he has some connection with the Jeons or the Jongs. We will just have to send their real photos to family." 

" I will for sure do that sir." 

Min yoongi smiled at his younger colleague before handing him the file. "I am surprised that you guys took this long to trace this man. But it's okay later than never." Mino looked down in shame. He always wanted to make his chief proud but guess he needs to work hard. 

"Sorry sir, I'll make sure I will get him today and throw him in jail tonight." Yoongi gave him a pat before looking back to his work. This was Mino's cue to leave and continue his research. 



Okay Minyoung's chapter will be closed in next update.

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