•|Love 2|•

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Another update!!😱😱😱


It was early in the morning. Around 6 am when Jinae's alarm goes wild.  Her hands tries to stop it but later on she has to get up and turn it off. Jolting up from the bed while rubbing her swollen eyes, she walks towards the only bathroom on the second floor.

'Why did the author leave it at just when he was about to kiss her.' Her mind filled with all the moment she read in the fan fiction.

Her footstep stops when she is in front of the bathroom with a white door. Her small fingers turns the golden door knob around. 

Opening it fully, she walks inside. But somehow the place was filled with hot water fog. She raised her eyebrow in confusion but later shrugs it off. 

Without even thinking twice. Her light pink gown is thrown on the floor. Her naked body showing all the curves, boys died to see. 

Ruffling her golden brown hair, she rolled open the curtain. But just than...


And that was when she knew. She fucked up.

Her face went all red as she used the first thing she saw to cover self while closing her eyes tightly. 

"I AM SORRY. I AM SO SORRY. I DIDN'T KNOW YOU WERE HERE!! PLEASE TELL ME YOU DIDN'T SEE ANYTHING..." Her hoarse morning voice made Jungkook smile. As he also tighten the hold of the curtain around his body. 

Even though he was shocked as hell. He tried playing cool.

"It's okay. I didn't see anything. you were- " She quickly interrupted his sentence. Her body felt so hot. It was as if she was having high fever. 

"Turn around so I can leave." Jungkook smirked before noding his head as he turns around with the curtain still covering his body. 

Jinae slowly tip toed, as she picked up the gown on the floor along with her undergarments. Cursing herself, she wore them with the speed of light. 

"Done!" She let out while running outside bathroom. 

Closing the door with a loud thud. She heard him chuckling. 

"Why did I do this? Jennie~~~" The girl whines childishly and thought of calling her friend. 


After few minutes, Jungkook walked outside the bathroom with a white towel covering his bottom part. Water droplets rolling down as if kissing his hard muscles. 

He was ruffling his wet hair while making his way to his room. His mind didn't forget how sexy she looked when she was inside.

"Aish, i have finally gone crazy".

Shaking his head, he looked up. Out of nowhere his body was crashed into someone. Her phone went flying down as it fell on the floor. Jungkook caught her small figure.

The strawberry smell, making him go crazy. He nuzzled closer into her touch, sniffing her neck.

Jinae was shaking as she felt his hand on her waist sliding upwards.

Meanwhile he was liking the feel of her silky gown. 

"Jinae.." His voice came out sexily, making her weak.


"I -"

"Young Madame! breakfast is ready!" Jieun, the maid shouted from downstairs. Disturbing their moment. He sighed, his minty breath kissing her cheeks since they were still really close together. 

"Shall we take this in the room? So no one can disturb.  huh?" Eyes shaking in fear, she shyly looks down. Giving her answer. 

Not wasting much time. He entered the room which seemed like it was hers. 

Pinning her quickly on the close door, he leaned closer. He didn't know from where he was getting all the confident to do this all. And she was confused to how can she let him act so dominant and liking every bit of it.

He eyes, her nose, every part of the face. She looked beautiful. Those parted lips trembling, as if inviting his ones. 

Sneaking his veiny arms around her waist. He pushed her body close to his bare chest. Jinae was quick to place her hands in the middle. She just didn't wanted him to feel her small breast against his hard muscly  body since she wasn't wearing a bra.

(WHO🤺 wears a bra when sleeping. I don't😳.)  

She bit her bottom lip while trying to hide her smile. 

"Don't bite those lips. It's my job." Jinae's eyes widened as She stopped completely before running her tongue across her lips. Making them look even more kissable. 

Chuckling at her cute action, he tried going for the kiss again. His eyes moving towards her lips.

His first kiss

Her first kiss. 

The one they waited for so long.  

Their eyes half closed, as they both were back in feeling the moment. Breaths mixing together as the girl tilts her head slightly to the side. 

He leans forward. Their lips about to connect when......




This chapter was complete shit. I know and I am sorry. 

'Crying in the club..'

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