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This was the day everyone waited for. The day which was written by Jungkook's grandfather and Mr Jong's father's best friend. His wish was finally going to take place in this beautiful church which was located in the middle of beautiful Tokyo. 

Everyone seemed so nervous as they moved around to fix everything. This was a wedding which everyone waited for, more importantly. Jungkook and Jinae. The two who always kept themselves for each other for this day. 

"Jungkook! Look here." A deep voice yelled making the guy in black tuxedo to turn. His parted hair perfectly sitting on his forehead as he smiled at the camera. 

His friend clicked heaps photos of him as he giggled at the nervous boy. Taehyung put down his camera before walking towards his younger brother. 

"Kook ah! Don't worry. I know everyone gets really nervous on this day but just remember that you have waited for this day for so long. Just enjoy it. okay?" Jungkook showed his bunny smiled before nodding his head. 

But still fear was still seen in his eyes. 

"Hyung. What is - What if something bad happens? I don't know bu-"

Taehyung cuts him off  as he places his hand on his shoulder. "Believe me kook. Just have trust and if your love is real than I am telling you nothing bad will touch you guys." Hearing this Jungkook licks his lips. 

"Thanks Hyung." The guy in front shows off his boxy smile before he picks his small but expensive camera. "Okay now let's do the shoot again."

Jungkook laughs. His heart was now feeling a bit at ease. All he wanted now was to see you. And nothing else. 'Thanks hyung.'


"Oye! Dude. Pass the red lipstick.I want my girl to look hot today." Jennie yelled while she was standing in front of the bride. Jinae shakes her head as she tries to hold her laughter. 

Meanwhile Chaeyoung was pissed. 

"Are you kidding me? Dude. and Oye." The girl places her hands on her hip as she gives Jennie a death glare. The girl with curly brown hair giggles before she continues to do makeup on the bride. 

"Sorry Chae. Just really stressed." Chaeyoung does nothing but shrugs it off as she continues her work. 

Jinae smiled at her friends but it was soon replaced with a frown. Jennie notices and quickly speaks. 

"What is it now?" The girl just shakes her head as she looks down. Her fingers playing with the wedding ring. "Aish. Hurry up. Tell me." 

Jiane nervously gulps before she looks at her friend less but a sister like figure in front. She open her mouth slowly as words starts forming sentences. "Do you think Jungkook will love me after marriage?" 

Jennie had her eyebrows raised in confusion while her hands in front her chest. 

"Anyio. It's just. What if he finds someone prettier than me. What if I am not able to be a good wife." Older girl shakes her head at the childish comment before sitting. 

"Listen. I don't know where you always get these things from but I know it's because you are nervous. So just take deep breaths and believe me. Everything will be alright. I have seen in his eyes, the love for you Jinae. Just remember trust him all the time and always support him."

Jinae sniffed as she hugs Jennie tightly. 

"I don't know what I would have done without you." Jennie secretly wipes her own tears as she speaks. "Nothing because you are an idiot." 

Chaeyoung shows a beautiful smile as her hands were tightly held together. This was the moment she has lived for all the time. Her friends bonding like this. 

"Guys what about me?" 


My heart was beating loudly inside my rib-cage as I could hear it clearly. I held onto the dress Jungkook's mother gave me tightly before giving a small smile to my father who was standing next to me. 

His hands holding mine as he waited for the door to open. I closed my eyes tight, telling myself to calm down. Just a little while later I felt a little tug and I opened my eyes to see my father walking slowly. 

I nervously gulped before walking with him. My hand grip tightening around his hand. He must have found out that I was nervous since he whispered in my ear. 

"Don't worry love. It will be all fine." He kissed my head as he stopped walking in front of the guy who I was ready to die for. His eyes already ready to kill me as he was smiling at me cheekily. My father handed my hand to his as he said some words to my soon to be husband. 

Jungkook nods before pulling up on the stage where the priest was standing. "Are you ready for the vows love." The man asked as he opened the book. 

We both nod our head before smiling at each other. Finally it was going to happen. I was going to be Mrs Jeon. 

{Skip the vows} Soz

"You may now kiss the bride." He said as he gave us a fatherly smile. I sighed when I saw Jungkook bite his lips. His hands coming upwards to grab mine. He pulled me closer to his body as he placed some strand of hair behind my ear. 

"You are now finally Mrs Jeon Jinae. huh?" he said before smirking. I looked down shyly since i could feel my cheeks burning like fire. Not wanting him to see me so flustered.  

"Hurry up." I mumbled before looking up into his eyes. I didn;t even notice that he removed his glasses until now. He looked more handsome. But I wanted the glasses one back. Unknowingly a a pout form on my mouth. 


He says before pecking my lips lightly. He leaned closer again and kissed me fully. His teeth bring my lower lip as he sneaked his hand around my waist tightly. The crowd cheered and clapped. Pulling away he placed his head on my forehead. 

"I love you Jinae."

"I love you too Jungkook." 

A male figure rushed outside the church as soon as he saw his love kissing someone else. He slammed his fist on the wall of the back wall. His eyes red from all the anger. 

"It's okay. It's okay." He spoke to himself before leaning against the wall.  "Just a wedding." he laughed crazily before running his hand through his hair.



GET ready for the next chapter. 


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