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"I'm looking good right?"

Jinae nervously shook her legs as she looked at herself in the mirror. Both of her friends sighed in annoyed manner as they both shook their head.

"I am seriously fed up. You have said this one sentence maybe like.." Chaeyoung countes the number on her finger before she replies.

"7 times..." Jennie smacks her own head. Shaking her head at her friend.

"Jinae. You look pretty like always.." the girl smiled as she blushes and looks down.

"I can't believe this is happening." They all nodded before the two girls hugged her tightly.

"We are happy for you. He's a nice guy." Jennie speaks softly before patting your head.

They all spent the whole time talking about other "stuff". Since Jennie was a good love advicer.


"Jungkook ah!" His head quickly reflexes when he hears the familiar voice.

"Taehyung!!!" Jungkook smiles brightly before hugging the life out of the cutie pie in front.

"Aish... I am going to die." Taehyung pats his arm to show that he was in pain.

Jungkook moves away before adjusting his glasses.

"Hyung! I missed you. Where is Jimin and Soohyung." Jungkook asks before looking back over the shoulder.

"He- umm"

"Did anyone call me!" Suddenly Jimin enters with Soohyun beside him.

They were grinning as they both looked at their maknae. Tears formed which he quickly wiped before pulling Jungkook to a hug.

Jungkook felt more warmer when he saw his hyung and friend to support him in this important day.

He was nervous but also a bit excited. She was going to be his officially. And it will be forever.

"Lucky guy! I saw her before I came here. She's pretty Jungkook ah." Taehyung comments before dropping his arms around the younger boy.

Who was a blushing mess.


They all teased him before it was time to leave the house to go to the hotel where the party was.

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