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Guys please do tell me, if there's anything I should change.
I didn't double check so there will be a lot of mistake...


"So what was he doing inside your room." Jennie asked as she sat on my king size bed. I rolled my eyes, angry at the fact she just ruined my first kiss....

With a pout, I tried wearing the skirt after the shower I just had. Finally.

"He- He saw me Jennie.." My voice came out softly.

"He saw me naked with nothing..." i turned around, only to see Jennie smirking as she licks her lips. "Oh getting sexual already .." 

Wiggling her eyes she stood up from the bed. Now making her way towards me. I stood there with no words.

"Isn't this going to fast. Like you guys just met yesterday. I know that all engagement thing but seriously?"

She got a point. It was a bit too fast.

"So? What should I do then? Please guide me? Love adviser.." Innocently blinking my eyes, I tried to act cute.

It's not that she will help or anything but it's never bad to try it. Since sometimes it works.

Sighing while walking back to my bed to sit. She bites her lip.

"Oh! Why not try letting him do all the work. Just dress up sexily and see the magic. He will for sure loose his shit."

"But how that's a solution.."

"It's not. I am just telling you ways how to make him try kissing you. The boys should make the first move." Raising her eyebrows she looked up at me from her phone.

"Anymore questions..."

I was left with an awe.. wasn't she the one who told me just now to keep it slow...

"Aish.. i will never get you."

"And I know that love."


They spent all their day outside. Going to the park, shopping, while holding hands tightly. The whole time they never thought of leaving each other even for a bit.

They were both addicted to each other's company. The bond was growing stronger in just one day.

They had coffee while talking to eavh other about their life and struggle.

It was when they were driving back home when Jinae got a message from her mother.

Telling her to that the Jung's have invited them to the party. It was to celebrate their son's achievement for becoming the next CEO of their company. But since the Jong's were outside korea. They promised that their daughter and son in law will come.

It was the first time in her life when she thanked her parents for making her attend this.

This was all because she had a plan for tonight... And this is cherry on top.


Keeping in mind all the ideas her personal love advicer mentioned, she looked at herself.

"Okay sexy dress. Check. Red lipstick. Check. Sexy look-" she paused and gave a sexy look in the mirror, trying to judge if it's sexy or not.

After few minutes she agreed on one of them. "-Check. Biting lips... "

It was weird when Jennie asked if he had any kink. She was a confused baby first since they weren't that close. But than her mind clicks when she got a flashback of him looking turned on whenever she would bite her lip.

The sentence he said lingering inside her brain..

"Don't bite those lips. It's my job..."

Placing her hand on her beating heart she chuckles.


Her brain about to burst open as she thinks of all the things, he might do to her.

"OML. I can't wait for night to come..."


Jungkook was completely unaware of the fact what was waiting for him. He got out of his room only to look for Jinae.

His hands tucked inside his black pants pocket. He looked damn hot in that black Tuxedo outfit.

"Where is she?" He said to himself while looking around the empty living room.

Just than suddenly. He saw her walking towards him from the stairs. The tight dress hugging her body, showing all the curves. Her brown straight hair resting on her bare shoulders. She looked sexy..

A red tinted blush formed on his cheeks. 'this girl will be the death of me..'

Meanwhile when seeing his hot gaze on her. She felt herself becoming weak.

The girl stood in front of her soon to be fiance. She smiled innocently. As if this was all normal.

"Jungkook! Ready?." Slowly regaining his self. He smiled back and replied.

"Y-yea."  He stumbled on his words. His palms getting wet when his eyes landed on her red lips...

"Okay. We should go?" The awkward tension was building inside the mansion as they stood there, looking at each other.

When seeing him all zoned out. She smirked thinking she got him. Leaning her body forward towards his stiff one. Her lips touched his earlobe.

His body shivers as he feels the current flow...

"We should leave Mr Jeon. Before we get late." She whispered sexily before pulling away.

He gulped before noding his head.

"Ye-yea. We should. I - I'll see if the car is ready.."



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