•|Happy Ending|•

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Her hands were sweating when she saw the same face Jungkook standing in front of them. They were inside the police station with their hands intervened with each other. Min Yoongi the chief called them to personally meet this person who created this whole chaos.

"M-Minyoung?" Jinae spoke as eyes looking at the file which had his picture before he got his surgery done. She was scared that how could he be possessive.

The man chuckled painfully before he bit his bottom lip. "Yea it's me. The guy you rejected in front of the whole school. WHy? Because of this man right here. This face right?" He spoke while his voice raising in anger. It was clear that jealousy was dripping from every move he did.

Jungkook looked at Minyoung before he pulled you closer to his body. "I don't know Minyoung but whatever you did was something so childish. If you could only understand that she is doesn't like me because of my face but it was because our hearts beat together. When we touch we can feel that bond. and-" Jungkook stopped midway as he turned to see his wife who was smiling at him with a big smile on her face.

"Even if you do a surgery to get the same face as me, you will never have the same heart. Love yourself man. Don't change yourself like this." Minyoung was surprised by the way he spoke, so matured. His eyes were now filled with shame. He know he did wrong and he should apologise but his ego was more important.

"I-I will be leaving now." Minyoung let out softly as he looked down to hide his tears. He loved you but guess sometimes you have to just let go.

Jungkook nodded before making way for the guy. When Minyoung and Jungkook were by side, they both looked at each other talking with no words. And Minyoung knew what exactly he said.

'Never think of touching my woman again.'


"You are here! How was the trip?" You asked Mrs Jeon with a smile as you saw her siting in the living room, sipping her tea. The old woman smiled at her daughter in law before standing up to hug her and her son.

"It went well but how was your guys time alone." She said while siting back down. Jungkook pulled you down and made you sit next to him. "You can say it was fun. We did a lot of things and I ate a lot. Right Jinae?" Jungkook spoke teasingly, looking at your flustered face.

You bit your lip in embarrassment when you understood what he was referring to. You couldn't do anything but just go with the flow and nod.

"That's good. I was scared you guys might be bored since I am not here." Both of them laughed and talked more about the trip.


6 months later

"Just where are you taking me Jungkook." Jinae was so scared as her eyes were covered. She was walking carefully not to trip onto anything but it was still a bit hard to do.

"Wait for a while, you will know." Her husband said when he opened the door to their new apartment. His smile not leaving from his mouth when he imagined her face. When they were inside the living room he slowly removed his hand.

She slowly opened her brown eyes. Gasping at the sight in front of her she jumped a little making Jungkook growl.

"Jinae. Be careful." He said putting his manly hands on her small baby bump. She cutely mumbled a small sorry making him lean closer and kiss her forehead. "Are you serious? We are going to live here?" Excitement was seen on her face as she placed her arms around his neck.

Jungkook nods while pulling her closer. "yes baby. Sweet and simple just like our love story." Her eyes were now shining when he kissed her on the lips. She can't ask for anything more. He was her everything.

If he is with her than she doesn't need anything. He was the sweetest gift she could have ever.

She was so into her thoughts that she didn't even realised that were now standing in front of the big window in the living room. His hands on her waist while her head on his shoulder.

They both stood their analysing the world.

"Jinae~~~" He whined like a baby making he chuckle. "What's wrong baby boy?" Jungkook pouts while looking at her baby bump.

"I am so excited to see our princess." Jinae smiles at that as her hands tightened around his ones. "Me too Jungkook. She will be the evidence of our love creation. " Everything was so peaceful. No one was there to disturb them.

Just like how they wanted.


Everyone started clapping as the couple walked down from the stairs. The husband held his wife's hand politely while slowly leading her way.

"Here they are. Our powerful couple. Jeon Jungkook and Jeon Jinae." The whole crowd screamed even more louder. Jinae smiled at her husband when he stood behind her to give her support. She placed her wait on his body as her hand was rubbing her bump.

It was painful carrying all the weight but it was worth it.

"I love you Jinae." He whispered into her ear meanwhile Mr Jeon was doing the speech. She blushed while replying to him. "Me too Jeon Jungkook. I love you more."

"I want to announce that I will be grandfather soon and I can't be more happy. This is why I have thrown this party."

Mr jeon spoke in his mic. His eyes were sparkling with tears when he saw his son happy. 'You were right father. They are made for each other.' The old man wiped little bit of his tears.

Mrs Jeon and Mrs Jong were also admiring their children with teary eyes. Everything was perfect. Jeon Jungkook and Jeon Jinae were going to have the best gift from god which was their child.

This is what you call a perfect life a perfect love story, A Tangled love story.


The end

Sorry if I disappointed you all. I am just really stressed. sorry again.


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