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An update!!! 😱


Jungkook pov

This was the first time I saw her but why did it feel as if I have seen her somewhere else, like I have met Jinae in my dreams. 

Her face now filled the image of that one girl in my dreams and I am happy. The way she look is was the same way i  have imagined but instead way prettier. Did I even deserve to be with her. 

"Umm" She awkwardly spoke before placing her small hands on my chest. I felt her shaking, just like I was. Slowly releasing her. My hands were on her waist and eyes never left her face while she looked down shyly. 

'I love my parents for giving this pretty women.'

I grinned as she quickly looked away while trying to act less drunk. I could tell she was lying and it was all an act but I was confused to why was she doing this. 

But whatever the reason was, she was so cute.

"H-Hi." She spoke as she pushed some strands of hair back, her cheeks tinted red with blush. I couldn't control myself she looked so beautiful.  Chuckling a little at her behaviour, I replied. 

"I am Jungkook. Jeon Jungkook." She  looked up and took my hand. The current travelled inside my veins as I felt her soft skin.


"I.. Should we-"

"Do you drink?" I cut her sentence but She quickly shook her head, denying it.

"No.....that was just you know. An act, so I can see how you will react but you aren't those typical type of boys. I like that." She spoke while biting her bottom lip. I was blown away by the way she was too pretty to be real. I am seriously whipped for this girl already.  

"Oh, so you were testing me?" I asked her as she shyly smiled.

"Kind of."

"Well I don't mind you drinking. As long as I am there with you."


From far away Minyoung smirked when he saw Jungkook. The way he looked made him feel confident that he will win over him.

He was looking down at Jungkook who looked like an idol in Jinae's eyes. 

Minyoung aware of the fact that it was a match made in heaven. No one can break them apart. Even the couple themselves can't do that.

They are made for each other.


Walking inside the mansion with his bag. Jungkook felt his heart beat increased.

He couldn't believe, he just had a conversation with a girl and that to with confident. As if he owned her.

It was First time.

"Are you okay?" Jinae asked the boy who seemed a little nervous. Jungkook shook his head.

"Yea, I guess so. Maybe just tired." The girl nods as she walked upstairs.

"This will be your room and my one is next to yours." Jungkook didn't know why but this whole time he couldn't focus on what she was saying. He saw her biting her lips again and It made him feel weird things.

As if something was getting hard.

He quickly looked away before entering his room.

"I will see you tomorrow morning." He said as he smiled at the girl.

Just when he was inside, Jinae placed her hand on her chest.


Breathing heavily she harshly pushed her room's door.

Sliding down the door she was gulping. As her mouth kept getting dry.

'He is so fucking hot!!'

'I can't believe this.... '

She was in her own world trying to imagine the moment they just had when her phone beeped.

" we are going to be leaving to Japan so we won't come home. I am sorry it just came up so suddenly. Hope you understand love. But you got Jungkook. Take care of him love..."

Unknowingly a smirk made it's way to her lips. The first time she wasn't sad when her parents left her in this mansion.

"That means, it's me and him alone. In this mansion..."

Nobody knows what will happen next. But it's sure it will be fun.



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