•|First Kiss|•

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Try to be happy as you want and smile. There are no stories of mine which doesn't include any DRAMA...heheh 'evil grin'. But I love writing this story so much. Even though I have to hand in some of my work tomorrow. 'Biting nails....'


Like any other occasion, this was also the same. Boring and slow but since Jungkook was beside her she felt more comfortable and happy.

After congratulating the boy named Jung Hoseok, they both made there way to the tables where all the guest were sitting.

The mansion was decorated really well. The lighting of purple was so romantic and relaxing. As they were pushing through people to get to their table, Jungkook smiled as he brushed his hand against her waist. He was debating whether he should do it or not. But in the end chose not to.

Jungkook's hand was about to go down when she reached for it. His eyes widened in shock when she placed his hand on her waist as she bit her lip.

"You own me Jungkook. Don't hold back." Those words were enough to make him fall more in love with this girl. Tightening his hold around her, he looked down. Shaking his head.

After few minutes of talking with other guest and seeing all the performances. Jungkook and Jinae stood up only to have the spotlight on them.

"They are going to get married soon guys. We need to see the romance. Now don't we." The MC yelled in his mic trying to hype the audience. They all cheered while the new couple was shyly holding each other's hand.

"Shall we?" Jungkook whispered in her ear when he heard slow music playing. Jinae nods her head in agreement as she lets him lead her to the dace floor.

Placing his hands on her small waist. He pulled her closer to his body. No space left between them. Her breath hitched when his hand roamed around her back. As if felling her. Closing her eyes in pleasure, she leaned into his touch as they both moved in rhythm to the music.

The people awed at them while some cheered them.

Her head dropped on his shoulder as they kept moving together. She heard it. His heart beat increasing and he did too. They were both smiling as they felt their souls so close to each other. Finally looking up, she gazed his handsome face. He was the most good looking man in her eyes even with those glasses.

Out of nowhere, she wrapped her arms around his neck making him gulp. He looked at her feature while she did the same to him. They were both so lost in each that they didn't even hear the music stopping.

They were still moving with no beat or music. She blushed when he leaned in closer to her. Slowly kissing her cheek as the whole crowd cheered.


Walking slowly to their car. Jinae rubbed her shoulder as the cold wind kept blowing. Jungkook saw that which made him have a flashback of what Jimin did to soohyun when they all went together to the amusement park.

Removing his black coat, he stood in front of her. Her steps stopped as she looked at with cutely with confusion.

"W-what happened?" Without saying anything, he placed the jacket on her bare shoulder. Covering her naked skin completely. The warmness made her groan in pleasure as she smelt his perfume.


"hmm" he nodded before going to the car to open the door for her. She thanked him again before siting inside.

The heater was turned on by him so that she could be more warm. She thanked him again. Jungkook smirked before he opened his mouth to speak.

"Jinae." He softly called her name as she turned her head towards his.

"If you say Thank you one more time. I swear I will kiss the hell out of you." Her eyes widened as she gulped while nodding like a child. Not before looking out of the window as her lip curved upwards.

She crossed her legs making the dress to go up. Revealing her bare white legs. His orbs shaking when he saw that from the corner of his eyes.

Putting the key inside the hole, he was about to start the car when he heard something.

"Thank you?" Jinae tried looking at him Innocently while biting her lip again. His whole body was shaking when she took his jacket, fanning herself.

"It's hot in here. right?" she threw the jacket at the back seat before craning her head only to find his eyes filled with lust.

"You like teasing me. Don't you?" he grabbed her chin before pulling her face towards his. Hear hands on her shoulder as his breath fanned over her lips. She nodded before tugging his collar. Now only their lips only inches away. Dying to get connected.

"I do. So what?"



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