•|We need each other|•

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Long ass chapter for my lovely readers. Sorry you guys had to wait so long. 


It's been a while since he called me. I tried asking my parents if they got any calls from his parents but they only replied with a single no.

I was scared. I don't know why but my heart was telling me something wasn't right.

He wasn't okay.

Quickly jolting up from the bed, I walked towards the window. My eyes roamed around the night sky.

The Cold air giving me chills that were somehow soothing.

How I was imagining him behind me. With his arm securely holding my waist. His lips kissing  my neck softly. 

A shaky sigh left my mouth as I looked over the lights on the road.

My eyes were scanning the bulbs when it suddenly stopped on a figure. My eyes were widened as my nails were dig deep into the flesh of my palm.

"What is he doing here?"

My voice came out shaky since I was nervous. There he was. Minyoung sitting on the tree outside the mansion with binoculars.

' He's stalking me?'

Quickly moving away from the window, I closed the windows and curtains of my room. My heart not thinking of stopping any time soon.

'Jungkook. I really need you right now.'

He was the only one who knew about this. I have seen and dealt with these things happening before but he was different. 

He looked like a complete psychopath.


Next day in Japan Tokyo Hospital 

Jungkook's slowly opened his eyes as he was still having difficulties with the pain. He cutely blinked as he tried thinking where he was. He moved his head to the side to find his mother and father sleeping as their heads were on each other for support. 

His heart softens at the sight. He sighed in relief. His parents were okay. He closed his eyes but quickly opened them again  when his phone vibrated on the night stand next to him. So many missed calls from you and messages. He chuckled a little at how you were acting. He loved this side of yours. 

"Maybe Eomma didn't inform them yet." 

 He whispered in his husky voice before he called the number. After just 1 second, the call was picked. 

Her breathing was uneven as if she has run a marathon making Jungkook frown. 


"Jungkook!! Finally you decided to call me." she spoke as she tried to breath. "Hey! I am sorry. Just had a little accident. I was a little clumsy.." Her face fell. 

She walked towards the bench available on the gym room before sitting on it for a better talk. 

"What happened Jungkook? Are you okay now? Does it still hurt? Should I come there or OMG!! Why no one told me?" She was speaking without talking a break. Her questions were not finishng which made him smile before he bit his bottom lip. 

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