|•Insane Love•|

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With his  eyes shut close, he tried finding his wife. But felt nothing. He quickly opened them before scanning the whole room only to find it empty. His lips were formed into a frown as he got out of the bed. 


He spoke as he opened the door.  He twisted it open since there was no lock. Entering the bathroom, he saw her figure. It was blurry since the glass was foggy. But he could feel himself getting hot again. 

Slowly dropping his pants down, he opened the door of the shower. Her eyes were wide open seeing her husband. 

Her cheeks were red from all the heat but the water droplets were trying to hide it. Jinae backed away a little when he entered the shower. His body getting wet from water coming from the shower. 

"J-Jungkook. Wh-"

"I am trying to save water here." He teased before trapping her in between in arms. Leaning towards her he breathed in her fresh scent of shampoo. 

"Why do you make feel like this Mrs Jeon?"

She smiled before bringing her arms to put them around his neck. "I don't know, Even I am trying to find the answer for that too Mr Jeon." His breath hitched when he felt her hands touching his shaft. 

"Oh! You have gone naughty now." She bit her lips before shrugging her shoulders. He smiled as his lips touched her wet ones. 


"You have to be kidding me?" 

"I am not doing this shit. Dude. Do you understand me?" The man with white coat yelled as he tried calming himself. The anger was shown on his face as he grabbed the file filled by the younger in front. He slammed it on the table making the silence to break. 

"It's. Minyoung." The younger man finally spoke while his teeth gritted tightly. He wanted to kill him right now. This second but he couldn't. Minyoung needed him. 

"And I can't take no for an answer. Dr Sung-min. " The doctor scoffed when he saw the younger threatening him. He licked his lips in annoyance while placing them on his hips. 

"Get out. Right now!!" 

Minyoung smirked before he walked backwards. His hands creeping to the back. When his back touched the door, he closed it instantly. 

"When I say, do it. I mean do it. I am giving you fucking money for this bitch." He shouted before taking out his knife. Sung-min gulped nervously as his form started shaking under the knife. 

"I- I you can't just tell me to perform a plastic surgery on you. It is illegal to-" Minyoung pressed the knife further down on his cheek. He trailed it down, creating a mark. 

Sung-min yelped in pain when he felt the knife going deeper into the flesh. He had no choice but to accept whatever this crazy man wanted him to do. The knot in his throat was killing him. 

"FINE! I will do it. Just get this away. Please."  


You were back to Jungkook's house. Smiles not leaving your mouth as Jungkook's mother questioned you in private about how the night went. 

"Did something happen? Seriously Jinae, I am expecting a grandson soon." With the word of a baby that will show Jungkook's and her love. You blushed. 

The red tint on cheek was not leaving as you sat on Jungkook's bed while looking down."We kind of-" 

"Eomma!!" A annoyed voice yelled. Making both ladies to turn around to see a frusterred man standing in front of the door. Jungkook sighs before he opens his mouth to speak.  

"This is embarrassing eomma. Why did you ask that." 

"Why can't I? She is my daughter-in law. Now go. Talk with your father. Let us have some time together." Jungkook groaned. His eyes moved to you as he begged you to say something but you only got your tongue out teasing him. 

"Aish. Fine. But be quick. I need my Jinae soon." The mother gasped. "Get lost. Gosh. He's gone weird." 

You smiled agreeing to what his mother has to say. It was a nice feeling. Since your parents went back to Seoul. You thought you would feel a little lonely but Jungkook's parents were really nice. They treated you nicely and it didn't make you feel that you were new or awkward. 

But the god decided something for you. Some of the stories finishes when the marriages happen but your one seemed different. It was the opposite. 



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