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There Alexandra sat among them, feeling out of place but she couldn't bring her self to leave because they were all she had.

She was there in body but not in soul. Lost she was in the melody thinking about how she met these blessed people, who when came together produced wonders.

The softness of the piano, the boldness of the drum, the upbeat bass, the funky guitar, the lively flute and at last the angelic yet strong voice that gave meaning to the harmony the instruments played produced a song that would rile a person in and entrap him there.

It would make a mark on their heart and soul, one that couldn't be erased.

She wished to be a part of that miracle but the bare truth that she couldn't do that sent a wave of hurt through her heart.

"I am not capable enough to join them. I'll never be."

She thought to her self and that thought was what sowed the seed of a poisoned plant that produced leaves of negativity, in her heart that turned her train of thoughts upside down and brought her, her destruction.

A lively girl who conquered and fought all her problems head on was brought to the lowest pedigree where she fell under the tree's dark menacing shadow and lost herself to all the black drowning problems she had or was facing.

She broke at last.

The seed was sowed two years ago when the most famous band in history was formed.

Twisted , a band that could pull off two completely opposite and versatile persona.

It was their selling trait after all.

They could drag you to the depths of  hell as they could also fly you to grace heaven with their music.

Alexandra was the one who brought the band together but she wouldn't admit it and give all the credit to fate because if she did then it would defy her birth trait of being a selflessly selfless person.

Twisted had been showered with generous fame since their First Performance that took place two weeks after it's formation on the weekly Friday Night Performance Program ran by their college Musicality.

Musicality was a Prestige Music College that produced famous musicians. It was owned by a generous and kind man named as Rafael Guzman.

The college provided its students dorms with every possible facility. Every person had equal rights and same accommodation except for scholar ship students who were all given living accommodation in the Golden dorms also called as "The House Of The Blessed Ones".

They weren't more privileged, not at all, they were just given separate living quarters.

She was one of them but she wasn't one of the blessed ones because she had NO musical talent.

She couldn't play any kind of instrument, she couldn't sing, she couldn't compose, she couldn't produce either.

Despite all that she was still given a place there.

She herself didn't fully understand why one day after her Highschool Graduation the Head called her on a Scholarship to study here, at the top music college, when all she could do related to music was listen and enjoy it.

She couldn't even solve the mystery of her existence much less reveal the truth behind this fact so, she left the thought alone and decided to enjoy her time there.

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