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All of them were finally up by late noon and decided to go to the little breakfast place near the villa. It served amazing food and had the best view of the lake nearby.

It was awkwardly not awkward when Alex met Ryder downstairs but everyone could feel the  change between the two of them. Well, Alex's red cheeks and Ryder's subtle yet not subtle glances were not the give away at all.

The group wanted to tease them but seeing Alex's already shy and embarrassed state they thought otherwise because they didn't want to make them awkward and uncomfortable. It was nice to see that things were finally working out for the two of them because God knows how much everyone were desperately rooting for them to act on their feelings.

After the breakfast they all decided to go fishing and swimming to the river that flowed right beside the villa. Alex was reluctant to go because she knew the girls wouldn't let her walk out without her bikini. She absolutely didn't want to wear it and the fact that she didn't have one wasn't going to go down well with the girls.

"You have to wear one! I won't listen to any excuses", announced Francisca and hurried away towards her room to get Alex a bikini of her own because she had a string tie bikini that could be adjusted according to Alex's body size.

"Please, tell her Sabrina... You know I don't like to show skin at all plus wearing a bikini is like on a whole new level, I can't take it", Alex whined desperately despite knowing that she'd have to wear it in the end no matter how much she begged because Francisca always got her way.

"You know I can't help you even if I talk to her. The only thing we'll accomplish is me not having sex which is not something I'd like to lose", Sabrina replied with a laughing note at the end. The word sex had earned a funny face from Alexandra and then a red tomato face which made Rina laugh her ass off.


The guys had been waiting for the girl's to come down while they all joked about an incident they encountered during their tour.

Ryder couldn't join in on anything else because all his mind could focus on was Al. The moment she left his arms, he wanted her back there. The urge to kiss the day lights out of her was clouding all his thoughts and the longing to entrap her back in his embrace was overwhelming. He was brought back to reality though by Jeremy's girly scream.

He looked towards him trying to find the cause of that scene and the moment he found it his jaw dropped to the floor.

There she was standing in a black bikini piece that complimented her skin fantastically. He couldn't help it but stare at the gorgeous girl he had fallen for. His innocent Angel, his Alex he thought to himself.

Surprised by the word choice of his brain, Ryder couldn't help but blush really hard. He was happy no one except Alex was looking at him though that gaze alone was urging him to grab her and run off to somewhere private.

Whistles and shouts could be heard all around the room, their friends despite not wanting to tease them couldn't help it. One comment lead to another until Alex and Ry were both rendered speechless and blushing furiously. Seeing there extreme embarrassment Z intertwined and finally they started their hike towards the river.

Everyone walked ahead of the two in order to give them both a little privacy hoping upon hope that they'll get together soon. Seeing his friends intention and Leo's wink Ryder understood why they all started walking fast and ahead of him and Alex.

Alex unknown of all this tried to walk faster in order to reach her girl friends but her lack of athletic abilities wouldn't let her and it didn't help her case when they all started racing towards the finish point. She watched with an open mouth and amusement as her friends vanished around a bend in the trail.  How could they leave me alone? Her thoughts started to overdrive. It wasn't astonishing that in her over thinking state she forgot that Ry wasn't among the one's that disappeared. Her fear of loneliness made her desperate in mere minutes. She didn't know what to do, panic begin to grip her body and negativity ruled her mind and heart. She wanted to run after them but she was stuck in her place due to the shock of her thoughts.

Ryder smiled watching his friends vanish around the corner, they were all something else. After a few seconds of watching the path his friends vanished on he decided to grant all his attention back to Alex.

Ryder did expect a little shock from her but what he did not expect was full blown panic attack. All was standing there, her breaths becoming shorter with each passing second.

Damn she's triggered. Ry thought to himself and rushed to her side. He grabbed her arm the moment he got close enough but that was the worst decision he ever made because it triggered a far worst reaction.

Alex not expecting anyone near her screamed her lungs out despite knowing that Colton could never be there. The fear of her past catching up to her gripped her whole being. Without seeing who it was she turned to her left and ran as fast as she could into the trees surrounding the trail.

Ryder was too stunned to think or react but when he finally got his bearings Alex was long gone in the woods surrounding the trail. Panic, bone chilling fear and shock, filled his body with a rush of adrenaline. Without any further thoughts except one  I need to find her before she gets hurt.

Alex ran as fast as she could without stopping or turning back, the numerous trees all around her , roots and shrubs littering the ground and the canopy of leaves above her head blocking the sun didn't help her case. She would've collapsed long ago with panic but the need for survival urged her on.

I need to hide, I need to find a safe place, I need Ryder.

The sudden thought of Ryder distracted her and she didn't see the pit in front of her. Before she could realize what was happening she fell into deep pitch darkness. All that left her was a high pitched scream of *NO*.

Ryder couldn't have ran as fast as he was running even if his own life depended on it.  Thinking he lost her, he was about to turn his search direction towards right where a narrow trail could be traced but a high pitched scream from his left made him turn back and rush after it knowing it was Alexandra's voice.

Alex rolled down the pit, she hurt all over from the fall and the rocks under her back only increased the impact. She knew she had twisted her ankle and gained various scratches and bruises. For now she was glad she was alive, far down below and away from that disgusting man.

It'll be okay. I'll be okay.

Alex kept on ranting and prayed that her friends came after her before he did because she couldn't take it if he tried something like that again.

She wrapped her arms around her knees, sat there with her back to the mud boundary and silent tears running down her face. Praying to ever God out there to keep her safe.

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