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Ryder’s POV:

After yesterday’s encounter with Alex, I just can’t stop thinking of ways to help her out and make her believe that we are all here. We could never stop loving her and caring for her. I knew it wouldn’t be easy but where there is will, there is a way.

I mourned enough and now it’s time I get my beautiful girl back. She could never stop shining in my eyes, I am so proud of her for fighting back and putting that bastard down and reducing him to the scum he is. I could feel rage licking my whole existence in its burning flames.

No Ray! Bloody focus, first priority is Alexandra and her wellbeing.

Just the whisper of her name and I am back on track with my newly formulated plan. Yeah, first and most vital thing is getting Alex back from her own dark thoughts, I don’t know what she thinks in her pretty little head all the time these days and my guesses are all very worrisome.

I text everyone about an SOS meeting in the theatre room.

I just want to hurry and start with the plan because I don’t know if it will work but I am going try my best to make anything and everything work until I can get a smile out of my baby that actually reaches her eyes.

I was rushing down the stairs when I heard a voice, I thought I wouldn’t be hearing till next year.

“Ryder son, Can I talk to you for a while?”, my Dad called standing near the entrance door.

Despite the situation and sadness, I couldn’t help but be happy to see him after almost four months. He had to go on site observation regarding the construction of the new branch campus. I have been overlooking the Main campus alongside the vice principal, I never told him about Alex because he was in a remote place and calling was not an option and VP advised against it though I knew he’d be furious at this act. He has always been protective regarding Alex and he has a soft spot for her. Who can blame him? Alexandra is the most lovable person in this world.

I rushed towards him and hugged him tight. I missed him, I needed his support, I needed his reassurance, I needed him here and I didn’t even know how much until I saw him. It felt as if he held similar sentiments because he returned the bone crushing hug.

We stood like that for what felt like years before separating. One look at his face and my heart dropped, something was wrong, really, really wrong.

“What’s wrong dad?’, I asked with a wavering voice because if dad looked this devastated then it must be something horrible.

“Let’s move to a more suitable place before I speak’, he signed broken hearted.

I was going mad with worry but gulped it all down and lead him to the nearest guestroom while texting others that I’d be late. As soon as I closed the door behind us, I was about to ramble on but dad knowing me shot me a look and gestured towards the bed in front of the chair that he occupied.

I understood and sat down, looking at him nervously.

“Before I start, know that I am very disappointed and sad that you didn’t think Alex’s incident was important enough to get me back ASAP (I was about to reply but he shot me a glare and I shut up, he had every right to be furious). Now that it is out of the way, I’d like to tell you a story, hear me carefully son and I need your help to get that baby girl to smile again because if I don’t, I don’t think I will ever be able to live with myself. Before you say anything, I just want to quietly listen, absorb what I say and let me finish. I don’t think I can ever gain the courage to disclose this information if I don’t do it today”, he whispered and I swear I could see tears in his eyes.

I respected and quietly sat through the story though it took everything in me to not comment but I endured. By the end both of us were a sobbing mess, I could’ve never imagined that Alex had to go through so much, how did she even survive? I knew my girl was strong but after the story my dad told me, I couldn’t help but feel unconditional love and pride for the person that is Alexandra Razinki.

God, I love this girl so damn much.

“Dad don’t you worry, you’ve just steeled my determination to get my girl back from her own self”, I exclaimed as I stood up to go and put the plan into action.

“Your Girl?”, my dad asked looking so cute with his confused face and tiny frown.

I couldn’t help but remember the day Alex said yes to my proposal. I felt my lips spread into a genuine shy smile, I rubbed my neck awkwardly and replied.

“Yeah, we kinda started dating just before that happened”, my smile fell with the memory of my angel’s hurtful screams.

My dad nodded his head in understanding before patting me on my shoulder and threatening me, didn’t expect anything else to be honest.

“If u harm even a single hair on her head or hurt her ever, son or not, I will put you in immense amount of pain. Now I’ll go and teach that disgusting, pathetic excuse of a person, a lesson. Comatose or not, he’ll have to face Hell for hurting my God daughter”, he said in a chillingly cold voice with a menacing smirk. I gulped but nonetheless nodded, damn my dad could be the scariest person on this planet if he wants to be.

We both exited the room determined in our own ways to help Al out.

I rushed towards my friends to commence my plan.  

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2021 ⏰

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