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It would've been a simple loving gesture if Alex had ever experienced it. That's why she woke up startled when she felt a hand move it's way through her hair, the horrid memories that her brain decided to bury once came back rushing in and involuntarily she slapped the hand away and crawled back.

She regretted the action the moment her eyes collided with shimmering emerald orbs. The feeling only worsened when she saw Ryder's worried face. "I shouldn't have done that", she thought over and over again but she knew it wasn't an act committed within the sense boundary.

It was a natural self defense involuntarily applied move.

"Sorry I must've scared you", he spoke softly as if providing comfort to a hurt animal and at that time she did resemble one but that wasn't what he thought though. It was what she thought when she heard his tone.

He on the other hand had his mind full of questions because it was an odd and a little harsh reaction to that kind of an act because most mothers tended to wake their kids up by softly ruffling their hair or in his case run her hand through it. He was curious as to why she'd get so defensive over it.

"It's okay. I'm sorry... I acted that way but you startled me. I didn't know you guys were back", she tried to explain, an attempt to avoid the confrontation about her rash display and to bring his curiosity down a notch.

Before he could even get a word out she quickly opted for a topic change.

"By the way, why are you here Ry?", She asked and tried to look curious while at the same time she struggled to close the memory box that his caress had opened.

"Oh yeah I was here to wake you up. We came back but you were asleep so we decided to not disturb you until dinner which by the way is ready", he replied and shook off her action as him being paranoid, she was probably just startled awake because she thought no one was in the dorms.

"Oh okay you can go ahead I'll just fix myself up and come join you downstairs", she replied trying her best to give a small smile at the end that didn't look forced.

She succeed as she saw him leave after he nodded and replied with a low keyed okay.

The moment she heard the small *click* sound indicating that he left and the door's closed. She let loose and her whole body shivered as all those horrifying scenarios she had to face for two years came dancing into her mind as if to taunt her about her existence and growth.

She thought she had grown strong but she was absolutely mistaken. If those memories rendered her this weak then she was indeed still entrapped in those chains.

Sometimes in life you try to forget some things but you fail to do so because those incidents make a mark on your brain. You can temporarily subside them but you can not permanently erase them.

Similarly she failed to because those hands that tried to drag her and tried their best to break her though didn't succeeded but left an impression that made her skin crawl.

She forcefully dragged herself towards the washroom despite the fact that all she wanted to do was slum in her bed but she couldn't give this kind of satisfaction to her daunting demons of the past who strived to watch her fall into her throned bed of miseries. It was bad enough that they still controlled her so much so that a simple touch which arose a glimpse of a past memory became the key and set them free to rage around.

She washed her face while she fought her demons off. 

She fixed her appearance while she caged them into their boxes.

She stepped out as she locked them back in.

That is how she walked out of her room without a hint of her haunting past showcasing itself in her peaceful present.

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