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The hall was enveloped in a silence that it had never encountered before. Every person was confused as hell and lost in their own thoughts.

Only Alex had the power to speak and so she did.

"Why are you all sitting on the floor, we could sit in the chairs", she spoke but still joined them on the floor instead of opting for the chairs.

Well she personally always preferred sitting on the floor instead of the chairs, it just gave her a sense of security. Why? She didn't know.

They all just stared at her open mouthed.

The shock was humongous because in this era it was a rare case where people didn't know anything regarding birthday celebrations and those rare cases were there because they were deprived of this information and not at all in a good way.

That is why all of them thought deeply about why their guardian angel was unknown or oblivious to this fact.

It send their minds into over drives and no one was thinking positive thoughts.

Finally the twins one after the other pulled themselves together and approached Alex regarding the matter.

"Umm, princess didn't you ever celebrate your birthday?", Deo asked as the others nodded and awaited her answer.

Alex didn't have to think much about it because just last year she came to know about her date of birth but seeing their shocked faces and hearing Deo's tone of voice which clearly sounded careful and really soft like he felt sad about even saying the words out loud much less wanting a configuration.

She panicked and it finally clicked, birthday was something you celebrate if you are normal and so she acted on instinct to avoid a repeat of the past.

So she acted on instinct.

Hence she spurted the first believable words she could find.

"Got'cha!", she squealed because she had never lied before only withheld personal information and evaded unforseen circumstances and questions and so her voice raised.

Fate must've been on her side because they all thought she had indeed acted out the whole scene and was just kidding with them.

All except one.

They all finally signed in relief except Ryder who's mind came off with mind boggling questions because Alex was not one to carry out such an act while others believed her words because one they knew Alex doesn't lie and second they had an image of their guardian angel and they all believe her to be this pure soul that didn't face any harm.

If only they knew how off mark they were but it is in human nature to believe that their ideals and idols in their mind are perfect people.

Despite the fact that nobody is perfect because imperfection is  perfection in itself though humans tend to believe that perfection in it's full ideal form exists.

If it were true than idealism wouldn't exist.

Ryder knew her to well to believe that something wasn't wrong. But he chose to have faith in her judgement.

Others seeing their messed up selves trusted her enough with the vision of her helping side first hand believed that a kind soul like that doesn't emerge from chaos or suffering.

After establishing the fact that it was a prank they all looked around at each others pale faces and shaken up appearances and unknowingly started laughing.

Alex joined in too with a nervous chuckle to cover up her internal panic. "I almost lost everything" she thought to herself.

She couldn't bear seeing a place she thought she belonged to shattering because it would definitely crack her and then she'll taste a fall into the never ending abyss of darkness.

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