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When the initial giddiness wore off and Alex returned to her own room, Ryder finally thought about everything that happened in the last 24 hours or so.

He smiled, remembering how Alex stubbornly protested to go to her room by herself despite her injuries. She was like an adorable kitten.

But the smiled vanished, the moment her frightful state flashed through Ryder's thoughts. He seriously need to know about that, not because he didn't respect Alex's wishes and privacy but because it worried and scared him. The way Alex completely altered and broke down, it frightened him, How did I miss all this for so many years?

He felt this urge to help her, he could feel it that this repression of emotions and some trauma was not good for her. He might be over his head in this matter but he couldn't just let her suffer alone, hidden, it broke something inside him to think. She always went through this alone he thought to himself.

He knew his girl was strong but it scared him how even the strongest of foundations could crumble with the right hit.

Shit, how did I forget ?!

It hit Ryder like lightening, they were gone. The others must be all frenzied by now. While, he loved his friends, he also knew how overbearing they could be and considering Alex's nature, she'd be in shambles if she had to face them head on alone about everything.

Knowing Al wouldn't want others to know about her break down, Ry jumped up to shower and come up with a believable story to deal with everyone, even if he had to face their wrath for hurting their Princess.

Just remembering the fact that Alex was his girlfriend, made Ryder all goofy with silly grins.

Damn, my thought swings are giving me whip splash.

He thought to himself as he hurriedly got ready.

Alex had forgotten all about her lose of control and thoughts until she entered the shower.

How could she have forgotten?! Just how?! She knew the answer but still. Now Ryder wouldn't leave this matter alone, she knew it.

Alex was so immersed in these thoughts that she had forgotten about all her friends and how they'd react to their disappearance.

She was halfway through the kitchen door when she heard loud squeals and two bodies collide with hers.

She would've fallen on her bottom hard if both of her friends weren't squeezing her from both sides.

"Babe, I'm so happy for you!"

"Finally my baby got herself a man!"

Both Francesca and Sabrina screamed in Alex's ears while squeezing her insides into each other, making it hard for her to breathe.

Before Al could say anything or register the impact, she felt herself being snatched up from the two and spinning. She squealed involuntarily at this and felt herself getting dizzy and hearing J laughing out loud while congratulating her.

As soon as she felt the floor under her feet, the relief went away as soon as it came. She was swooped into another bone crushing hug by the twins that kept singing K.I.S.S.I.N.G - Alex and Ryder sitting in a tree.

Alex felt overwhelmed, kind of happy but most of all embarrassed.

"Can't brea-"

Alex tried to tell the twins to loosen up their  hug that squeezing the life out of her but they were to busy in their own thing. If it weren't for Z's intervention, Alex would've fainted for sure.

"Leave the poor girl alone, she can hardly breathe. Let her process before you brutes pass her on or mortify her to death", hearing Z's words the all dispersed leaving Alex alone - as in moved 2-3 steps away because there was no way they were done.

Their most dreamed and prayed for ship was sailing, they were gonna die fangirling.

Ryder feeling pity for his girlfriend finally decided to step in, he hugged her from behind making Al gasp and look up.

Seeing Ryder was the last straw, she felt all the shyness overwhelm her.

Turning she hid her face on Ry's chest so she can be shielded away from her dear friends. Though she loved them, she knew how ruthless they could be in their teasing.

Ryder feeling Alex's emotions of wanting to hide away wrapped his hands tighter around her shoulders and waist.

Everyone unexpectedly Awwed at their cute friends and cheered loudly to express their excitement and happiness.

Alex knew she was completely Red by now.

After everything calmed down, Ry whispered in Alex's ear how he told everyone that Alex got spooked seeing a snake, ran and fell to excuse her injuries and their disappearance. He apologized about he went with that reason without Alex's consent but he assumed she wouldn't want others to know about what actually happened.

Alex thanked him gratefully and also for informing other's regarding their relationship while blushing furiously. Ry couldn't take it anymore so he kissed his girlfriend's bright red cheeks.

This triggered another round of teasing by their friends making Alex hide her face in Ryder's neck since. they all were chilling in the lounge.

"Guys since it's out last night here, why don't we do a campfire?", Jeremy suggested, he was a sucker for smores.

"Ooo, we can also play with sparklers!!", Deo practically bounced in his seat at that idea.

All their friends passed a secretive look around, agreeing to plan Alex's and Ryder's first surprise date for them.

They all divided in to pairs to perform tasks, asking Al and Ry to go to the supermarket next town which was two hours away to buy the chocolates that they emphasized weren't available in the nearest market.

Ryder had his suspicions but he wasn't going to say no to spending alone time with his love.

With no further thoughts both of them left.

"Fray, you and Rina run down to the boutique and buy Alex and Ryder outfits for their date. Me and Deo can cover the decor while, Zan and J can seek out the food. Let's use the Gazebo and the garden for arrangement. If you all agree, say Aye and move out", Leo proclaimed, sorting everything out.

Loud AYES bounced off of the walls before they all marched off with big grins.

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