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Alex and Ryder returned in the late evening.

They had just stopped and before they could move an inch, their respective doors were yanked open and they were blindfolded.

"What the hell is going on?!", Ryder exclaimed loudly and heard giggles in return with a Shut Up and Be Patient from Sabrina.

They were both dragged to separate rooms upstairs. They were forced to dress up and hushed to silence if they asked any questions.

Alex was completely clueless on what was happening but Ryder pretty much guessed the main idea because of his friends common antics. He went along with it, he knew they were just too happy and excited for his and Al's development and wanted to express their feelings.

He couldn't be anymore thankful these supporters, "Alex is the best thing that has happened to me, she made me a part of this wonderful family" he thought to himself while Deo constantly tugged, twirled and set his hair.

He was made to wear a white, square necked, V cut cotton shirt with dark brown shorts and brown shoes after he was forced to shower though he had one that morning. Not to blow his own horn but Ryder did look good.

 Not to blow his own horn but Ryder did look good

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Ryder's Outfit

Alex was utterly horrified at the site of the sleeveless, short dress but she knew better than to argue and the dress was truly cute. Most of all it was below her knees, covering her scars and had POCKETS.

"I am not returning this dress just so you guys know", Alex proclaimed because it was a sunflower design. Sunflowers give her absolute joy and it had pockets. Though she had her doubts about the sleeves but it was nothing to fearing, it would do.

Frans and Rina laughed out loud at that.

"It's a gift silly, we wouldn't want it back anyways. In fact, you get to keep the shoes as well, it's a gift from the guys. Zander got you sunglasses as well but since it's night time, you can just keep them", Frans said and Alex grinned at that and thanked them while, basking in their thoughtful gestures.

She knew better than to reject such pretty and carefully chosen gifts. Plus she knew they'd all lecture her if she so much as whispered any form of protest.

"Now go shower and get changed so we can get you ready", Rina announced in a stern voice.

Alex did just that.

Frans dried and curled her hair after applying various sprays then Rina tied her hair in a beautiful butterfly topknot with a sunflower bandana matching her dress.

Rina drew her eyeliner in a long wing while Frans applied a cherry gloss to her lips, only after Alex moisturized her face.

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