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Ryder reached the place from where he thought the voice came. Panting and resting his hand on his knees he stared in fear at the deep pit. There was no other situation he could think of except one. Alex fell down there. The thought alone raised bile in the back of his throat, he prayed for her safety with all he had.

Snapping out of his astounded state he started calling after her.

"Alexandra!? Babe are you down there?"

Alex just couldn't stop the tears flowing down her face. How'd she get herself in such a situation. I should've had better control over my emotions! Better yet I should've never come! I should've stayed behind! Dark and negative thoughts started taking over her mind.

*Flash Back*

Thunder shot through the sky in the black darkness of the night, cutting the clouds apart and producing a instant blinding light that embraced everything in it's glow.

Unknowingly it gave a little young girl hope and warmth in the shady night. Give her light in the pit of despair.

Alex sat there hiding in the decorative well placed by her foster mother in their home. Ironic isn't it, home, a secure place where you go to unburden yourself and are sheltered from the cruel world outside can sometimes become the hell we say is the world outside.

*Home*, she cried. Her home died the day her parents were murdered in front of her innocent eyes. It lays 6 feet under along side her parents cold bodies that must be mere skeletons now.

"Please, anybody, please... Please...please.... God or whoever is out there. If your there please..... Don't let him get me, I'll die. I'll have nothing left", she prayed hard to whoever it was out there, whoever made this world, if he did, to save her from him.

Colton knew where his so called *little sister* was. He smirked to himself he'd finally get her. He was so glad his parents decided to go away for the weekend. He had been waiting for this opportunity, to get her all alone. She'd been such a tease. Teasing him for all those years, he knew she wanted him too but she always loved to make him chase her around just so she could feel his desperation. Desperate he was to get her into his bed as soon as possible. He lit up at the thought and his body filled up with excitement. With out more thought on the matter he walked towards the yard.

She thinks she can hide from me, such a fool. She can never ran from me. Today this cat and mouse chase shall end. With this mindset he confidently moved towards the lid of the well.

Alex knew there was no one who could save her now. Her death was here in the form of Colton Gates , her soul would end up joining her parents in there graves. She knew she would never be able to recover from what was about happen.

He threw the lid open, dragged her out, her legs got scratched, begin to bleed due to the friction with the ground, she screamed as loud as she could. She resisted as strongly as a twelve year old girl could against a nineteen year old guy. She cried as vigorously against his assault as she could.

Alex was broken from the horrible trance by Ryder's persistent shaking. She didn't know she was screaming until the moment she heard a desperate cry of NO. She didn't know she was crying in reality until the moment she felt Ryder's shirt wet with her tears. She didn't know where she was, didn't know what was happening until the moment she heard Ryder's consoling voice.

"Alex, baby, your safe. I'm here, I won't let anyone hurt you, please baby, come back to me, please baby stop hurting yourself", Ryder kept pleading. He rolled down the hill through the right side of the pit which had a slight trail when he heard Alex's heart wrenching cries. He knew it wasn't her plea for help, it was something worse.

When his gaze fell on his angel, he felt as if a train hit him. His blood boiled and ran cold at the same time. She was sitting there crying and screaming while scratching her own arms. The bruises and scratches were nothing compared to the deep red lines marking her arms.

He ran towards her, hugged her, tried to get her back from where she was. He had this spine chilling feeling that if he didn't gain her back now, he'll lose her forever.

So he begged and pleaded with all his heart. He couldn't be more relived when he saw her breath falter and her eyes gain focus. She was coming back to him.

As soon as Alex realized what was going on, she broke down into heart breaking sobs. Apologizing for her foolishness, her stupidity, her idiocy, mostly for her weakness. She failed to overcome it all. She was so ashamed that she didn't know what to do except cry. So she cried until her voice didn't come out anymore and tears dried.

Ryder just held her there and cried with her. He just couldn't take it, he couldn't see her like this anymore so when he felt her calm down a bit or more like her body tired itself to exhaustion. He picked her up and decided to take her back to the Villa.

Ryder placed Alex on his bed, she had fallen asleep along the way and he didn't have it in him to wake her up so he just decided to lay her in his bed and clean up all her wounds.

He brought a bowl of warm water, the first aid kit and started his task. First he bandaged her arms which were pretty much wrapped up in white gauze and paper tape by the time he was done. When he got to her legs, his eyes couldn't help but stare at the scars behind both her knees like she had knee surgeries before.

He couldn't help himself but lay light butterfly kisses on both her knee caps. He didn't know what to do to help her. He wanted to take away all her pain and hurt. She was so young to have been through so much. He didn't know what she endured but he knew it couldn't be anything mild.

He was shocked how she had hid all this up until now. Was he her trigger? Was he the reason she was living through all those horrible memories again? Was he got the reason she was in this agony? Was he the reason she was back to facing her demons? Was he the reason she was falling apart?

He couldn't help but think that it would've been better if he had never gotten closer to her. If he really turned out to be the reason he vowed he'd take it all away one way or another because after seeing the girl he loves in such darkness, he couldn't but want to grant her all the light he could get.

He treated all her wounds and decide to just lay down with her and despite knowing what's best he still listened to his heart.

He wrapped his arms around Alex and placed her head on his arm. Kissed her forehead and closed his eyes.

There they slept in peace unknown of the Strom coming their way.

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