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Ryder stood there in shock as he watched Alex's back vanish through the main door as she ran away.

All his doubts were brought to life.

Something was defiantly wrong and he was going to find out.

He'd have had enough of ignoring all the signs.

She was not at all okay.

He dealt with the others and made some excuses about Alex forgetting something and that they'll catch up to them in record time.

After seeing off others, he ran towards the hostel with the aim to unravel Alex's problems.

He knew better than to be annoying by diving all into her business but he couldn't help himself after all he loved her dearly.

He knocked on her door three times but was always disappointed.

She wouldn't open the door in fact no noise was coming from onside whatsoever.

Dread clasped his heart "what if God forbid she did something" , he opened the door instantly, only to find the room empty.

He tried knocking on the bathroom door, there was no response so he checked it and as suspected it was empty.

Ryder was not too straightforward about his feelings but he never spared a moment he got to gaze at the beautiful creature that his crush was.

It was his mission to figure out all her likes and dislikes.

That is why he didn't panic at all when he didn't find Alex in her room.

It was normal for her to seek solace in the rooftop greenhouse when she was very upset.

Alex wasn't a girl of many words but the words she did speak out loud were one's that held meaning.

She was a girl with born charisma, she held an aura of such serendipity and innocence that a person couldn't help himself but open up to her and seek the comfort her presence provided.

He decided to go for it.

The task he has been avoiding, if a person like Alex acted like that then she had certainly suffered from some great wounds in the past.

Despite having the power to open other's heart, she couldn't open up hers or more like wouldn't.

Ryder made his way towards the rooftop. The stairs were always a pain but he had to use them because the elevator was out of service.

They weren't tiring but they required time and that was the problem.

He wanted her in his arms as soon as he could.

He wanted to protect her from her own past.

He wanted to mend her wounds.

But if only he knew how much deep those wounds were.

They'd been left to bleed for years.

And wounds that are left uncared become scars.

Scars that hold different meanings to different people.

To some they might be the signs of their survival but to some like Alex they are the cursed things that are the constant reminder of their background.

They were the wrenched sight that brought back every demon in her to life.

Demons that protested against the chest to be let out.

Let out to drag her back into a dark place that would be the end of her.

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