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Alex felt warm, like she was surrounded by fluffy clouds floating in bright yellow sun rays. It felt so good, after such a long time she felt happy. It was weird because normally she'd wake up due to a nightmare or filled with frost or emptiness.

She didn't want to open her eyes, she feared this feeling will vaporize once reality comes in but she had to. 'No matter how healing it is, it's just my imagination, I'm sure' with that thought in mind she took the leap.

It was too bright, she had to blink couple of times just to gain sight. The moment she saw the ceiling, she knew it wasn't her room. Everything that happened yesterday started replaying in her mind in the form of slide show. How she wished the ground could just swallow her whole now.

I messed up bad, everything's going to vanish.

Alex couldn't rid herself of these negative thoughts.

She tried to get up but her whole body hurt and her head throbbed.  "I guess this is how you feel after a train wreck, maybe" with that thought she again tried to get up but before she could even move an inch two hands wrapped tighter around her, entrapping her. No wonder she couldn't get up despite using her full strength.

A blush made it's way to Alex's cheek along with her ears when she thought about Ry and her proximity.

God what am I gonna do? How am I gonna face him? It's so embarrassing I could die.

She just wanted Harry Potter's invisibility cloak right now so she could escape the up coming encounter.

Ryder opened his eyes after feeling movement beside him. Instinctively he tightened his arms around Alex. He expected her to push his arms away and run but when he looked down at her.

He couldn't help but grin because his Alex was right there and instead of running she was frowning in the most cute way with a blush decorating her cheeks and ears. He wanted to kiss her so bad but he didn't want to disturb her from her internal conversion because it was way more entertaining.

How she scrunched up her nose at something, slightly smile at another and bite that damn lip at something else.

She was beautiful. So beautiful that he could keep gazing at her as cheesy as it sounds, day and night all his life.

Before he could stare more like a creepy person with a full on grin. She glanced up at him through her long lashes shyly. The movement their eyes met, they were lost in each other.

It was astonishing how they were filled with all these emotions for years but never acted on them and now they were unavoidable.

They were bursting through uncontrollably.

Unknowingly, they both leaned towards each other. Their lips were a breath away from each other, Ryder wanted to kiss her so bad but he couldn't without letting her know that he liked her so much ... So much that it physically hurt him.

Alex, felt so overwhelmed. Never in her life was she tempted enough to just Let Go.

Let go of everything, every memory, every inhibition, every bloody thought and just give in, to these never ending butterflies that came along with this beautiful being.

And she did.

She crossed the millimeter space, keeping her away from this undeniably pleasant feeling.

She kissed Ryder Winston.

She let go of everything and just embraced her unrepressible emotions that with time only knew how to grow instead of die out.

Ryder was so shocked that a surprised chuckle left him and before Alex could interpret it in a wrong way or shy away, he took control turning the innocent peak into a full blown deep kiss.

But the end, they were both breathless and laughing into each others restrained breaths.

As soon as the first jitters left Alex, her first instinct was to flee from the scene but Ry expecting exactly that reaction tightened his hold around her and flipped them around.

He trapped her in his hold, hoovered above get with the help of his elbows and granted her a devilish smirk.

Alex, now turning into a pile of embarrassing shyness covered her face with her hands, closing her eyes tight to avoid Ry's smothering intense mischievous look.

Ry, not having any of it. Slightly moved her hand aside and cupped her chin. Slowly Alex peeked through her fingers and seeing the warmness in Ry's glance decided to face him and removed her hand shield.

This brought a never ending grin to Ryder's face and his next words had the same affect of his Lovely Al.

"I've liked you for so long and practically begged every being out there for years to get this moment. Do you really think, I'll just let you go without making sure you agree to be my girlfriend before because trust me Alexandra when I say this that there is no fucking going back from this universe shattering kiss", he whispered with as much genuine love as he his humanly self could contain.

Alex initially grinning at the confession started to tear up by the end.

No one had ever told her they liked her with such genuine care, not knowing what to do with these overwhelming feelings, she blurted out the first thing her mind to make out through the streams of tears that just decided to leave the premises of her eyes themselves.

Ry frowning at Alex's tears started to worry but all those thoughts flew away the moment he heard her reply and he burst out laughing.

"No swearing Ryder Winston", Alex spoke in the softest of voice, realizing what she just said to a confession.

Hades, What's wrong with you Alexandra?!

Alex thought to herself before blushing so hard, she was sure she resembled a tomato. It didn't help that Ry was laughing out loud at her expense.

He looks so gorgeous, Alex thought to herself before blushing more if that was even possible and unknowingly turning her face into Ryder's hand and trying to hide.

Ryder seeing how cute his crush was being, burned with the need to kiss her but before that he had to know her reply.

"So does that mean yes? In an Alex kind of way", Ryder asked in the most hopeful voice, hanging on to Alex's every action like his life depended on it.

Alex not trusting her speech articulation anymore, decided to just nod twice into his hand while shyly glancing towards Ry.

That was all the approval Ryder needed and he dove right in to kiss Alexandra again but this time to commemorate her being his girlfriend and because he couldn't not kiss his bundle of cuteness overload.

(I have no words, I can apologize but no apology can excuse my AWOL acts although I'd still like to say I am truly sorry. I just had the worst writer's block alongside lyf. I won't promise anything becz apparently I end up breaking them so I'll just say this ' I'll try my best to upload as much as possible and as fast as possible'. Thank you so much for bearing with me and supporting me despite my irregularities and faults 😭🤧❤ I love and appreciate you all so much 😭😭😭😭)

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