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Ryder felt his hand being crushed by some force and that stirred him out of his sleep.

He looked up towards Alex and as he suspected she was the cause of the force.

Alex was having a nightmare as usual but this one was worst, this one contained Ryder being hurt and Colton doing the damage.

She could bare herself being harmed but she couldn't take the sight in front of her. She knew she was dreaming but it didn't feel like a dream and she just couldn't seem to get up despite trying hard.

"No,no,no,no,no..... Colton.... Stop....hurt....him...stop", Alex started crying and shouting out loud all of a sudden and that jerked Ry into action.

Alex was having a nightmare and he needed to wake her up as soon as possible and afterwards he can murder this Colton dude.

He got up and slowly shook Alex while calling out her name but it did nothing and just as she started screaming for help, he couldn't take it anymore and vigorously shook her.

Alex startled awake couldn't seem to make out anything except for the blue eyes that started at her with worry.

Just seeing those eyes sent her thoughts and emotions into a frenzy and she started sobbing and tightly hugging Ry.

Ryder didn't expect Alex's breakdown couldn't seem to know what to do. So he just hugged her back for now.

Slowly he started to regain the sense of things and did what his instinct told him.

"Baby, calm down okay....I'm here...I'm not going anywhere.... it was just a nightmare.... your safe... Nobody's going to hurt you", Ry started whispering softly into Alex's ear while rubbing her back and hugging her close.

"But -- he --- e--- wasn't ... Hurting me.... He--- e... Was... Hurt--- ing--- you --- u", Alex sobbed out loud as she buried her face into Ryder's chest and cried harder.

"No, he wasn't, it was just a dream babe, I'm right here, I'm alright, please stop crying its breaking my heart, Al please, see I'm alright", Ry continued consoling her all the while his heart broke for his pretty girl.

If only he could take all her memories away.

Ryder continued calming Alex down while she continued crying.

Alex stopped crying after what felt like hours and slowly drifted off to sleep. She had never cried this much since her birth and all that had exhausted her out.

Ryder was relieved to know that Alex had stopped crying only to realize that she was sleeping. He didn't know what to do to take all her pain away.

He felt miserable beyond hope and helpless. He felt weak despite everything he had. For the first time in his life Ryder felt like bawling his eyes out but instead of doing that he directing all his emotions into determination.

Determination to help Alex heal and make her happy and with that thought he fell asleep.

Both of them fell into a peaceful sleep after that episode while embracing each other tightly.

Fate has a weird way of bringing people together, one that renders you speechless.

Morning came late in the villa the coming day.

Alex woke up and felt warmth and hardness surrounding her. It wasn't her bed or any bed to be honest, she felt like she was sleeping above another human being but how could that be possible.

Maybe she went over to Z's room last night, yeah that was probably it she thought to herself.

Thinking it was Z, Alex snuggled closer to the warmth but she froze when she finally remembered what happened last night and the fact that her hand slightly touched an erection didn't help her panicky mind.

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