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'Warning ⚠ Scenes containing Violence and Sexual Assault ahead' (Read at your own risk)

How could they?!!

Alex thought while walking in an unknown direction. She could feel the anger rolling through her whole body in waves.

It was unbelievable to her that her friends could just forget to tell her that she could choose. She could choose any or all the camps, she could join them, she could be a part of them instead of being alone.

Always Alone.

She just could not get rid of these thoughts that consumed her mind whole.

She was so angry, so damn angry.

It was like something inside her just snapped.

She was upset at everything, every single damn thing! As if all the emotions, she ever felt and tried to repress, wanted to rush out of her.

It was so weird, uncomfortable and unmanageable.

Alex didn't know, what was happening but something triggered it. Now, she couldn't control this overflow of emotions.

First, she was walking fast then she started to jog and all of a sudden she started to run in the unknown direction.

She didn't know, where she was going but all she could think in her brain was I need to get away! I need to get away! I need to get away! I need to get away from everything!

It was not fair but life is not fair.

Alex didn't know where she was or what she was doing but all she could feel was these emotions.

So many emotions.

It was as if all her feelings were out to play and all the demons, everything in the box was open.

She could not close it.

Everything, she went through her whole life, Every decision she made, Everything that happened and she could not stop it. s

She could not stop thinking.

Unknowingly she stopped inside the abandoned building in the Academy that was close for construction purposes.

Tears ran down her face as she cried about everything she went through since, the day she was born. She was so consumed by her emotions and feelings that she failed to hear the footsteps closing in on her.

The moment she realized, she was not alone and in an abandoned building.

It was too late.

He was here.

He was here and they were completely alone.

Alone in a building that was way, way too far from any human life.

The Monster in human skin was here.

Alex couldn't move.

She knew her life was over, the moment, she heard the words he spoke.

He was not a human.

He could never be a human.


He was the worst nightmare of every child's dream.

"Hello sunshine."

Those two syllables were Enough to make Alex realize that she was doomed.

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