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Alex walked her path to her next class, thinking about how Zander couldn't make it to lunch because he had to take a detour due to some modeling work, careful of the students rushing through the hallways.

Despite trying for a thousand times she couldn't shrink the full blown smile or more like the idiotic goofy grin off her face.

Well it had more to do with the fact that she felt happy and she just wasn't ready to let that emotion go.

The class was boring as usual because she knew everything the professor was teaching.

Alex couldn't play instruments but she would study about them keenly. There structure, their histories, the music they played, the music they produced, everything about them fascinated her so she'd go through all her books during semester break.

Alex was blessed with glance memorization power.

She'd only glance at a page, read through it once and she'd know it by heart.

But she was a weird girl who just couldn't admire or see her own gifts, some thought of her as ungrateful, some thought of her as a pretence, those were the thoughts of the people who didn't know her and passed judgment without really seeking her presence because only she knew why she thought so.

The actual problem was that she didn't exactly think so but she was compelled to believe it.

The lecture continued as usual until the last fifteen minutes when all of a sudden the class announcement speaker turned on.

It was weird because today they already had a closing ceremony, they were going to have vacations from Tuesday till Thursday and the opening that is actually the form submission date for the summer camp was on Friday.

But the weirdness spiked to a whole new level when Alex heard the announcement.

Good afternoon students, their is no need to Panic , it's just a sumission call.
Alexandra Razinki junior in music study course is requested to come to room 106 in the the East wing immediately. All the teachers are informed and you shall have the next three classes off but you are requested to attend the closing ceremony.
Thank you for your time.

Alex shot up the second the announcement stopped.

Her heart beat decided to sky rock. Many thoughts invaded her mind about why she was being called out but she decided to stop them the second they started because she knew if she didn't do it, they'll consume her.

With a throbbing heart she walked her way towards room 106 which she remembered to be Twisted's practice room. She breathed a little remembering that fact.

With a nervous stance she brought her hand up to knock on the door and before waiting for a reply she opened the door and the sight in front of her had her smiling despite the shock.

There stood Zander or Zan as she called him in all him handsome glory with his one tanned hand tucked in his pocket and the other in his hair, moving it backwards a nervous/excitement habit, Alex noticed but what had her smiling was his full on show contiguous smile that had his right dimple popping and his soft brown eyes dancing with happiness.

Before Alex knew what she was doing, she was across the room and hugging the day lights out of the big bear of a friend she had or so she thought.

"Leave it up to Zan to make a huge elite entrance" her brain mused and she had to agree.

"I missed you!", Alex whispered into his chest as he was very tall and she hardly reached his biceps.

His hold tightened as he heard those words and thought about how he missed his little sister.

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